Here's a more detailed version with step by step pics. Demo fish is a sockeye but you'll get the hang of it pretty quickly on a big king.
fillet-o-fish FYI, I have a variation on the technique for really big fish in the round (whole, ungutted). The main difference is how I salvage the belly meat/ventral fins/collars in one piece from an ungutted king, as shown in the link
fp provided for you:
1) Make the longitudinal cut along the lateral line as shown on the tutorial.
2) Make the vertical cross-cuts to divide that king into 4-5 sections. I just did a 20-25# king with 4 sections last night. Anything over 40# could probably use 5 sections... anything under 20# goes great in 3 sections.
3) IMPORTANT: Shorten the vertical cross-cuts in front of the anal vent by about 1.5 to 2 inches shy of the ventral midline. Now, make one more longitudinal cut along the belly connecting the vent to the bottom end of each of the shortened vertical cross-cuts.
4) Now start removing the pieces one by one as shown in the tutorial. Vac-pack and store meal sized portions in your freezer.
5) When you are done, you'll be left with a long belly slab of fish flesh shaped sort of like some weird spacecraft. Carefully vaccuum pack and ship to 1720 Sumner Ave Aberdeen WA 98520 in a styro box with frozen gel packs.
"Let every angler who loves to fish think what it would mean to him to find the fish were gone." (Zane Grey)
"If you don't kill them, they will spawn." (Carcassman)
The Keen Eye MDLong Live the Kings!