The trip was fine. The company was great. The joke(s) were lame, however.
The weather was outstanding. The Hoh was at the perfect height. The river was dirty, but was cleaning up.
The day was ripe for a slaughter.
You should have seen the drool coming off of Parker and Bob's faces in anticipation of the day to come. We pretty much figured by the end of the day Bob would need to get a new net, respool all his rods, and toss away all the K-15's from all the kings we were gonna catch and release.
After ONE. I repeat ONE take down by 11:30, we bailed off of the Hoh and went home. Of the dozen or so boats we saw on the Hoh, I personally did not see a single fish hooked, let alone landed.
A boat down in front of us might have picked up a fish, as I saw the guide washing something (hands?) with a white rag.
We tried K-15's, spinners, eggs, but stopped short with the Dupont Spinners.
The Duc was low and slow, the Bogachiel was slow, and the Quil was being heavily netted. We just opted to go home at noon instead of wasting more time down another river.
With no fault going to Bob, that was probaby one of the worst days I've had on the river, yet probably one of the nicest fall days I've ever fished in. We made poor Bob row his butt off to get us a fish, but it just never happened. We even looked for bananas in our sack lunches. Ended up with some oranges, but no nanners.
Obviously, the warm weather had something to do with why the fish went of the bite, but for the life of me, I still can't figure out why the Hoh sucked so back last Wed-Fri.
Bob invited us back to fish the rivers again on the 27th. I'm not EVEN going to say anything this time, let alone make any predictions. Matter of fact, I'm just going to ignore the weather sites as well as the river height sites.