Yea I saw it.
It was very pathetic. Not only where they just tossing them in they where tossing them into the jet wash and at least once while motoring upriver
??? They also mentioned that it was very cold which couldn't have helped. Too bad as those where some pretty natives. They looked real healthy and put up a pretty good fight so hopefully they all survived?
Kinda goes to show just how far off the radar screen wild steelhead is to most people. I would guess that for every viewer that recognized a Native summer-run that had traveled past all of those damns to make it back to that beautiful little stretch of river another hundred viewers saw just another trout being tossed back
They did mention that the runs have increased recently from 1000 to 3000. That will not last long if everybody uses that as a guide that's for sure!
After watching that segment I am rethinking my position against being able to remove wild fish from the river. Under Washington's new law not a single one of those fish was handled lawfully. If that is common practice amongst guides (I've never witnessed it as most sledders in my area take very good care with their catch) I certianly would have voted for that wild fish ristriction mentioned above.