6% here.
But what a crock. I know it was meant for 'fun' and all, but it is really just another twisted attempt to attack the masculine role in our society.
Someone noted:
"IT says I am way to straight for these modern times?? What's that about?? "
Gotta love these 'progressive' liberals. They want it both ways... Being 'gay' is NOT a choice - remember? Oh wait, but apparently there is a part of each of us that is a little gay or something, right? And if we are 'holding back' on that 'gayness' that we all have, then we are just not 'with the times'.
I bet if a person was a flaming gaywad that scored 100%, the 'test' would say they need to be more 'straight'.
The 'progressive' agenda is to eliminate traditional gender roles and even 'traditional' sexual roles. We should be free to 'experiment both ways'. There isn't really 'male' and 'female', but a gradient of sexual fluidity that should be explored by each individual.
I'm bringing this up because it struck me again as I watched Gloria Steinem (sp?) on TV the other day telling us how the traditional masculine role was the reason for the columbine killings, serial killers, and other very scary things. Her 'proof' was that these actions were done by 100% WHITE, middle class, educated MALES. She conveniently left out other statistics on violent crime committed by non-whites....
The problem isn't with the traditional role of men and women and our sexual identities -the problem is these wack jobs trying to undercut the foundation of a healthy society - the family unit and the embracing of our masculinity and women's femininity. Men these days are struggling with what a man should be...
Sorry for the rant.... now go ahead and flame me...