Okay, here's how this works ... I really didn't have to spend hours looking for this stuff. Look in the Ebay category call "Everything Else" ... you'll have three levels of weirdness to choose from. Sort by price and usually the strangest have the highest prices \:\)

Here are a few for tonight:

How could you ever consider advertising here when you have this available:


Wife sick of all those fish and critter mounts, here's an idea:


For you Seattlelites that always wanted to have a few moments of glory ... I might actually bid on this one, it'd be kind of fun. It'd be a retro-End type of morining:


Need a good wake-up call??


Oh my, I wonder what new items came up today?? Those were just last night's bookmarks \:\)
Seen ... on a drive to Stam's house:

"You CANNOT fix stupid!"