Originally posted by AuntyM:
The Iraq war that didn't need to happen in order to protect us from terrorists is numero uno.
Aunty M,
So your voting for Ralph Nader now?
He's the only candidate running that has said we should have never invaded Iraq and removed Saddam and his regime from power.
Kerry just said recently that given all we know now he would have still voted to give the president the authority to go to war.
As for your other comment--I'm not the one that tried to re-open that topic issue. I've said and requested that any less than civil personal attacks do not belong in this forum
and to voice them elsewhere.
I , like H20 have tried to be more respectful, polite and intellectually engaging. The politicians and their politics are fair game---but the people that support them should be addressed respectfully (with one exception).
Read the recent posts and see for yourself who's making childish idle cyber threats.
It's not me--I've maintained that if anyone wants to attack someone else verbally or otherwise there are other places to do that.
The person making the threats never does it in person---yet the cyber fists keep flying--and it's getting real old!
Like Forrest Gump said, "That's all I have to say about that."