As they are all really full of it :p

From Fox News. Their Out there files.

Saturday just wasn't Jesse Huffman's day.

First the Great Falls, Mont., 19-year-old was stopped coming over the U.S. border from Canada. Then he was arrested after clogging up a government toilet.

"I've never been arrested before or anything like that, and I get arrested for taking a dump," Huffman, a sophomore at Montana State University-Bozeman (search), told the Great Falls Tribune.

Huffman and four friends were driving back from a party in Alberta when guards at the Port of Sweet Grass (search), where Interstate 15 meets the Canadian border, pulled the car over for a random search.

The driver, also 19, was cited for possession of alcohol. While the group waited, Huffman, who says he has irritable bowels, asked to use the bathroom.

The bathroom was unlocked for him. Huffman went inside, did his business and flushed the toilet — but didn't wait to make sure it all went down.

Within a few minutes, a port inspector found that the toilet was clogged and threatened Huffman with federal charges, which could jeopardize his student loans.

"I didn't think they were serious at first, I was just laughing so hard," said Cory Grayson, a friend of Huffman's from Great Falls who had also been in the car.

Huffman explained his delicate intestinal condition, and said he used "at most" a fifth of a roll of toilet paper.

He then offered to unclog the toilet himself, but was told, "They had absolutely no plungers within 40 miles."

Grayson told the newspaper Huffman's friends asked if they could take pictures of the clogged toilet, but were turned down.

"This guy just blew everything way out of proportion," Huffman said. "I have no idea why he thought I would try to do something like that on purpose."

Port Director Larry Overcast would only say that Huffman "was dealing with an experienced inspector."

Federal charges were not filed, but a Toole County sheriff's deputy drove Huffman 38 miles to the town of Shelby to book him on a charge of misdemeanor criminal mischief, which carries a maximum penalty of six months in jail and a $1,000 fine.

His friends followed and picked him up six hours after his fateful bathroom request.

Huffman, who says a combination of scholarships, loans and his own money pays for college, has hired a lawyer and plans to fight the charge at his court date Tuesday.

"[The fine] would pretty much drain me after I get all my school supplies," Huffman explained. "And that would not be cool."

— Thanks to Out There readers ***** L., Rebecca T. and Tom D.

Just bit burned on all the heavt stuff as of late. I know I was part of it too. LOL Coues
Liberalism is a mental illness!