Retort to goharley
I gave 6 logical reasons why OBL would vote (if he could) for Kerry--RB
No, you listed 6 statements that are either untrue, misconstrued, taken out of context, or emotionally deriven.--GH
"untrue, misconstructed, taken out of context or emotionally driven"----finally, something goharley knows something about.--RB
Kerry said he'd work with other nations to
replace our troops, (and it was more like 8 months) thus putting more of the burden on our allies.--GH
What troops--the French? Don't hold your breath. This is the same hypocrit that when Saddam invaded Kuwait and Bush 41 went to the UN and built the biggest coalition of nations in the history of the world---Still voted against giving the president the authority to send troops to stop Saddam.--RB
Kerry told Congress during his testimony that he was relating interviews of atrocities by other veterans. He never claimed to witness them first hand.--GH
That's my point exactly! If you hadn't wittnessed him doing anything wrong---would you go before the entire world and call your brother a "RAPIST and BABY KILLER"? If you say you would, why?--RB
No one can prove that his testimony demoralized the entire nation. However, it can be better argued that his testimony resulted in America pulling its troops from Vietnam and saving the lives of thousands of Americans. --GH
That is speculation at best--many Vietnam veterans and POW's feel that Kerry's VVAW lies and actions cost American lives and prolonged the war. His actions and lies about Winter Soldier investigations and the VVAW activities contributed to the death of an estimated 2.5-3.5 MILLION people that were killed by the Viet Cong after we withdrew from SE Asia.--RB
It was the current administration's policies and lack of leadership that caused the Armed Forces demoralization during that period.---GH
Any objective student history would see it was obvious that Johnson did more to make a difficult Vietnam situation much worse and demoralize troops and the nation than Nixon did.--RB
bin Laden doesn't care about that stuff anyway.--GH
OBL is a student of history--of course he does--RB.
Kerry and McCain went as an envoy to reestablish diplomatic relations in order to repatriate MIA remains.--GH
When I said he (sKerry) met with the enemy(without US government permission)--I was referencing the 1970 meeting in Paris were Kerry had met with Madame Binh (Viet Cong delegate) and other North Vietnamese communist party reprsentatives (while still a member of US armed forces) and accepted a 7 point proposal that required the US to surrender and withdraw from Vietnam. Kerry later urged Nixon to accept Madame Binh's proposal. If you don't believe me look it up.--RB
I doubt bin Laden cares about that issue either.--GH
What's the old saying, "if you don't understand history--you're bound to.........?"--RB
So it still looks to me like bin Laden will be casting his vote for Bouche & Co. - if he could. --GH
I would be very surprised if the rock OBL is hiding under doesn't have a Kerry/Edwards--"For a stronger America" sticker on it.--RB