The point was Rove. I can understand why you'd want to change the subject and so you did. "walk the talk" you say or your opinions is worthless, then you wonder why we ask you to adhere to the same standards. "I am walking the talk" you then say "because i pay taxes".
Your argument that one has to own 5 acres of land to be concerned about environmental abuse was absurd. When we ask you to apply these absurd standards of yours to your own actions, you cry like a baby "I dont have to enlist cause there is no draft"..."these mean liberals keep telling me to enlist, thats such a stupid argument!"...yes numbutz it is a stupid argument...and it is YOUR argument.
Then to top it all off, you seem to loose sight of the fact that YOU brought up the whole "enlist" thing your self by repeating your moronic mantra "walk the talk" or your opinions are worthless.
I dont think there is a person on this site, or even on this planet, liberal conservative or otherwise who would attempt to defend your position. It is undefendable. It defeats itself with its own reverse logic.
So what say you...any non-liberals out there wanna come to the aid of your buddy theKing? Is it a valid argument that one's concerns about environmental abuse are not valid unless that person owns 5 acres of land?
But on the other hand, theKings opinions on Iraq (or whatever else) are valid because he pays alot of taxes?
Just admit your argument sucked Kingy, or be prepared to hold yourself to the same ridiculous standards you wish to apply to everyone elses opinion.
Hypocracy and ignorance are not partisan, not liberal or conservative...just sad. Sad and very dangerous....our boys are dying now because of it. Because of you and people like you.