Yeaaaa I'm done. Well done for now. I'm intending on doing this again but with more samples, a pulley and crank system, and having Jess mark the lines so I test them blind. I'll wait till I get more samples. If you have any ideas, suggestions, or comments on how the results might have practical away. Otherwise scroll down for my address. Send me more line samples.
Sorry for the scientific paper format. It just seemed natural considering all the stats.
5 pages of results in my little notebook. Got a bit tedious at the end, but I'm glad I did it.
A Home Test of '10 pound test' Monofilament and Mono Hybrid Fishing lines For Breaking Strength, and Retained Strength Post-Failure. VHawk
ABSTRACT This line study was done in order to compare the relative strength of nylon, and nylon hybrid fishing lines; As well as the capacity of those lines to retain strength after being stretched to failure. The experiment involved tying each end of a 36 inch section of line, rated as "10 pound test", to an 8/0 trolling hook, using a Palomar knot, one hook was attached to a static point, the other hook was attached to a hand held/hand pulled digital scale. Lines were pulled until failure, highest recorded weight prior to line failure was recorded. Test repeated with longest sample of failed line in order to test retained strength. Test was repeated 5 times per line, with lowest result being tossed out. In general, lines with larger diameters, were able to tolerate greater tension. Initial diameters had no effect on retained strength. Although not objectively measured, fluorocarbon/mono hybrid lines seemed to have the least amount of stretch, and the lower diameter lines seemed to have the greatest amount of stretch. Further experiments should include improving the mechanism by which tension is applied to the lines, increases in number of tests in order to a more accurate overall result, and measurement of elasticity.
INTRODUCTION These tests were conducted to provide some objective data to compare some of the multitude of fishing lines available to the modern angler. Although other consumptive outdoor activities are rigorous in the testing of their equipment, i.e. self loading hunters, bowhunters, there is little nonbiased information available comparing equivalent pound test lines. This experiment provides as starting point for both data collection, as well as a starting point for development of a methodology that is affordable, and of practical use in a private home, or garage.
METHODS Materials:
20 foot sections of line, marked as "10 pound test", were obtained from Verles Marine Supply in Shelton (Tell them thanks), and Sportsmen Warehouse in Lacey. A new Lymann stainless steel dial caliper, 0.001" was used to measure line diameters. A new Rapala hand held digital scale, 50 pound capacity was used to measure tensions. 2 double 8/0 stainless steel trolling hooks were used to attach the tag ends of the line. Generic distilled water was used to soak lines prior to testing.
36 inch section of lines were measured by caliper for actual diameter at each tag end, and center of segment. Results were averaged for reported result. The lines were then individually soaked for 45 minutes in distilled water. Distilled water being used to avoid problems with cholorine affecting the lines. Lines were then tied using a Palomar knot as shown in
Practical Fishing Knots II to each of the hooks. One hook was attached to a chair leg, the other was attached to the hook on the scale. The scale was then pulled, rate of tension was increased by about one pound for each 3 second count, constant observation of meter was made until line broke. Highest reading was recorded. Longest section of line was retrieved, 4 inches off broken tag end was clipped, line retied to hook, and procedure repeated. This was done 5 times for each line. Lowest result dropped.
RESULTS In order to compare relative strength of lines with different diameters, line diameter was multiplied by 1000, and then divided by avg breaking strength.
The percentage represents how much strength the line retained after it was pulled to breaking point.
"10 pound Test"......Lbs per 0.001"................Lbs per 0.001
..........................Fresh Line.....................Fatigued Line
P Line Xtra....................1.23........................1.22......98%
Stren xtra.....................1.17........................1.06......90%
Sufix Elite.....................1.12........................0.94......84%
P Line Floroclear..............1.05.......................1.04.......99%
Maxima Cham.................1.00........................0.56.......56%
Trilene Big Game HiVis.......1.05.......................0.85.......84%
Stren Magnathin...............0.97.......................0.77.......79%
Yozuri Clear....................0.95.......................0.85.......89%
Izorline xxx HiVis Copolymer.0.94......................0.76........81%
Maxima UG....................0.93.......................0.64........70%
Maxima HiVis..................0.92.......................0.78........78%
Trilene Xtra....................0.91.......................0.72........80%
PLine CFX Fluoro..............0.89........................0.75.......84%
Vanish Fluorocarbon..........0.88.......................0.51........58%
Sufix Seige....................0.83........................0.71.......86%
P Line..........................0.72.......................0.62........84%
Line Brand[2] ..........Avg Break strength......AVg Fatigue Strength
Rated"10 Pound Test"
P Line CFX Fluro ............10.7 lbs.............9 lbs
P Line Floroclear ............11.6 lbs ............11.5 lbs
P Line Xtra....................17.3 lbs............ 17.1 lbs
P Line standard............. 8.1 lbs.............. 6.8 lbs
Sufix Seige....................10 lbs...............8.6 lbs
Sufix Elite.....................13.5 lbs............11.3 lbs
Maxima HiVis.................13 lbs...............11 lbs
Maxima Chameleon..........14 lbs................7.9 lbs
Maxima Ultragreen...........13.7lbs..............9 lbs
Trilene.........................9.6 Lbs.............. 7 lbs
Trilene XT.....................10 lbs.................8lbs
Trilene Big Game HiVis......13.6lbs...............10.3
Vanish Fluorocarbon...........9.6 lbs..............5.6 lbs
Stren xtra strong..............14lbs................12.7 lbs
Izorline xxx Hi Vis copolymer..12.7 lbs...........10.3 lbs
Stren Magnathin...............9.7 lbs...............7.7lbs
Yozuri hybrid clear............11.5 lbs..............10.2 lbs
Rated "10 Pound Test"......Stated Diameter........Actual Diameter
P Line Flurocarbon...........none listed.....0.012
P Line Floroclear.............none listed.....0.011
P Line Xtra....................none listed.....0.014
P Line standard ....................0.011.....0.011
Sufix Seige..........................0.012....0.012
Sufix Elite...........................0.012.....0.012
Maxima HiVis......................0.012.....0.014
Maxima Chameleon...............0.012.....0.014
Maxima Ultragreen................0.012.....0.014
Trilene .............................0.011.....0.011
Trilene XT..........................0.011....0.011
Trilene Big Game HiVis...........0.011.....0.0135
Vanish Fluorocarbon..............0.011.....0.011
Stren xtra strong.................0.013....0.012
Izorline xxx Hi Vis copolymer...none listed....0.012
Stren Magnathin .................0.010.....0.010
Yozuri hybrid clear................0.012.....0.012
Discussion The author fully expects some controversy surrounding the results of testing. Especially since a brand with a cultish following did not stand out from the crowd. What readers should consider before reading any further is this; line strength is not the only important characteristic of a quality fishing line.
Also the author recognizes the limitations of such small sample sizes. A larger run of sample testing was not practical since no previous foundational experience existed.
Another limitation that came into consideration after testing started, was whether different batches of line of the same type and brand, would give different results.
Despite the limitations of this first run of data collection, some valuable insights were gained. One was the immediate superiority of the Palomar knot over the double clinch knot, and the Trilene knot. Although not listed above, data was collected regarding whether lines failed at midpoint or at knot, with the Palomar knot midpoint breaks consisting of about 85% of the samples. Using the other two knots, line failure occurred primarily at the point of the knot.
Another valuable insight was how significant the loss of strength was in line that had been strained to failure. In consideration of the fact that anglers frequently pull to near failure, 20-30 feet of mainline while trying to free snagged terminal gear, the need to trim off weakened line needs to be considered, regardless of whether the line feels abraided.
During testing it became apparent that the elastic characteristics of lines probably plays an important role in whether fish are able to force line failure. Stretch probably favors the lighter diameter lines, and serves the same function as a long, slow action, fishing rod. Low stretch lines also have their particular applications, such as deep jigging, or trolling.
And finally, as evidenced by the fact that there was such a wide variance among lines which were all marketed as "10 pound test", it was not surprising that some lines were as much as 19% thicker than the stated diameter. Maxima lines, although comparing well if one looked only at avg breaking strength, dropped down in the ratings because the actual measured diameters ran 0.014 rather than the 0.012 which was listed. If one were to look for other brands at the diameter of 0.014, we'd be testing 12 or 14 pound lines.
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Sample sizes may be too small to draw firm conclusions as to relative strength, however some lines stood out with their consistent above average performance. Experienced anglers may find that in order to maximize performance, they may need to familiarize themselves with several lines. No single brand and model of line will outperform in all applications. More novice anglers may find this information useful as a starting point in choosing a quality fishing line.
The author considers the performance of these lines to be superior at least in the characteristic of line strength and the ability to keep that strength after a big fish, or big snag has given it a good stretching.
P Line Xtra....................1.23........................1.22......98%
Stren xtra.....................1.17........................1.06......90%
Sufix Elite.....................1.12........................0.94......84%
P Line Floroclear..............1.05.......................1.04.......99%
If your interested in seeing these lines more rigoursly tested using a fixed pulley, and scale, and also testing of different lines not sampled here, please send 60 foot line samples (or filler spools) to:
Vince Hawkins
7411 Fairview RD SW #23
Olympia, WA 98512
Please include brand and model, date of purchase.
Hope you all found something useful.