So hohbomb, Vhawk and i went shad fishing....and ended up with some interesting by catchs.
The day started out with Vhawk and i headed up to Bonneville damn for some stellar shad fishing woohoo ! we had our shad darts ready and willing. Vince had painted up 100 or so in the dead of the night the night before

We get there at bonneville and scope the situation out. pretty low crowd...1% speaks english...and a few fish getting hohbomb shows up on his motorcycle and joins the Stooge group :). We set up shop right shy of the deadline hopeful for some shad. i swear that there is always something in me that goes right to the deadline...hoping that being super close will provide better fishing..its a disease

5th cast...shad on!! those little forkers can fight pretty good. 3-4 lbs range. a caveman with a bean pole and a shiny colored puff of something could catch this little buggers...but no matter..we had fun catchin them. It was slow for shad fishing. we were catching them but not at a rate that i would say is "fantastic shad fishing" according to VChicken . Interestingly enough we had done some scouting for campsites for Angling Angels prior to fishing. There was a big Emergency Regulation Change for sturgeon at a boat launch a little down river of the damn. VHAwk and i read it over and over and came up with the same conclusion......sturgeon is open ALL the way up to bonneville damn....i know i know....but thats what it said in big letters. All other size/quota regulations still applied. But you could fish all the way up to the damn...didnt say anything about a boundary line or said Bonneville damn. hmmmmmm
Well all we brought were light action rods . My specific rod was a lamiglass 6- 10 lbs line medium to light action. I strung it up with 10 lbs line. So we felt a little unqualified for sturgeon fishing. no matter it didnt seem very plausible any way. As we started to load up our stringer with a few shad....we noticed shapes out in the water that were quite large....and shaped very much like a sturgeon. In fact the last time Vhawk had been down there some Asian lady almost lost her stringer to a 9 footer. Hmmmmm. Vince and i were running 6 lbs leaders at the i thought i would be cute and stick a little piece of shad on my shad dart. i casted out about 10 feet and let it settle to the bottom. Just a little chunk of belly meat. You should have seen the look on the other fishermans faces when we started to cut up a shad and FISh with a small chunk. took about 20 minutes. tap tap tap...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZz SNAP!....that was fun. So vince gave it a try. about a 500lbs sturgeon slurped it up. the fish just slowly moved out and broke him off. we all agreed that the fish probably didnt even feel it. the hook was so small i doubt it penetrated anything through that piece of shad. 20 minutes lateer VHawk hooks up. 6lbs main line 6 lbs leader...landed it!! 36 minutes

We kept no fish. i dont know....people say they are ugly fish....i dont think so at all...i think they are beautiful..and being as endangered as they are i saw no reason to keep any. Plus we were a little wary even though that sign did say we could fish for them. So back they went. Incidentally we only landed 2. both little ones that werent legal.
then we fish for shad for a few hours. a little later as the shad fishing slowed i tied a shad dart directly to my line with a little piece of shad on it. We had seen a few cruisin down stream that had surfaced. so i cast a little out and drift fished it until it stopped. then waited. Tap tap tap ZZZzzzzzzzzzz. I had 10 lbs line all the way to the dart. I fought the fish 1 hour 20 minutes.
No i dont reel right arm was starting to get cramps so i had to give it a rest for 20 minutes or so and use my left.

you can see that we USED to be right next to the damn. we ended up about half a mile downstream. the fish Jumped twice. full out of the water. it was about 5-6 feet long. all of us pegged the fish at around 60 lbs. I MAXED out the capabilities of my equipment. i pulled as hard as that pole/line would allow. i could actually move the fish but it was so strong i couldnt turn it really well. It was the longest battle i have ever spent on a rod. Vince first was going to tail it long enough for a pic and cutting the line, then a release. as we contemplated on how to do this with such an oversized fish and light tackle....we came to the conclusion whoever tried it ws going to be swimming..... The rocks wre to jagged and unruly for a good landing. so vince rolled his pants up and committed. But....his pants got he took them off in the spirit of things ( and a 3 hour drive home in wet clothes). so here is Vince in his skivvies and boots doing his best to get in position to tail this is very funny...but it was very cool he would do that for me. thanks for the effort vince.
Vince being very funny with a shad net from the bank...poor angler he borrowed it from laughed and then got serious when vince looked intent on using it....i think he thought we were actually going to try it

39 minutes into it

First Botched attempt...the fish just wouldnt cooperate

vince trying to get a foothold you can see the swirl behind him

Right next to close...he turned and peeled it out another 20 yards

this fish was just huge for this tackle...

i am 6' 5" ...that boil is about as big as me

I think ...when i snapped it .... the fish was coming in...i had the head turned it was 1 foot from shore...but i got a little anxious and my failing right arm didnt help..i think i pulled a touch to hard trying to get just that inch to completely turn the fish towards the bank. This was the first fish in my life that after it broke off i just stood there....i wasnt dissapointed at all...proabably better anyway..those rocks would have not been good on the fish. All three of us were all grins...just in awe of the size of this fish. we walked back to the truck close to silence.
i have a photo i will post in a second of my line where it looked like it was soaked in a chemical...just a spaghetti noodle..all stretched out. i dont think i could have put more tension on that line than i did. Truly maxed out equipment. Virgin rod too

its a summer run rod...boondogglin no less. Well it proved its might.
I have never had to work so hard to just get the fish to stay in one spot...angling the rod..trying to get the maximum angle to put force on this fish...each run was just killer to try to control...truly exhilirating. it didnt even seem that long.