#350657 - 05/04/07 11:21 PM
Re: Men.....and why they suck at meeting women
[Re: 4Salt]
Three Time Spawner
Registered: 06/03/06
Posts: 1540
Loc: Tacoma
Merg, Your advice doesn't go well here as most of the readers are not in the same position as you. Since this is a fishing board, I will put this in fishing terms. Most of us have taken our possession limit. Any additional attempts to fish, even catch and release, could result in serious fines. Those in that are still fishing, do not have as fresh as bait as you do.
You may enjoy catch an release, but there are some problems with continuing this over the long run (I won't go into the moral objects to this, though if some people are right you may pay dearly for this in the end). First of all, as your bait gets older, you will not catch as many as you have in the past. The ones you do catch, will definitely not be of high quality and will cut horribably. Most of the quality fish will have already been taken by other fisherman. Agian, while new fish may move be available, they will not take your bait unless you are lucky enough to suppliment it with very expense additives. As you get older, be careful. As some of the older members here may tell you, there are a lot of down river brights that become extremely agressive as you get older. Avoid these at all costs. They cut horribably and are not worth possessing. On another note, I noticed that you seem to imply that you like to try to catch multiples. These may be fun to catch and release but while they may appear to like your bait, they most likely are cannilbalistic. If you try to take these home they most likely are more interested in eating each other and leaving you hungry.
If you are smart enough to realize that you should take your possession limit and quit fishing, be extremely carefull. Treated badly, your catch could go bad quickly. If you chose wisely and treat it right, your catch can last you a lifetime.
#350668 - 05/05/07 03:19 AM
Re: Men.....and why they suck at meeting women
[Re: nookie dreamin']
River Nutrients
Registered: 11/08/06
Posts: 3359
Loc: Island Time
Hahahaahahhha.......I am amazed that I made it this long without that info. Three kids later and the Merg gives me love advice.........thanks kid ....but chicks like you post are a dime a dozen (but still hot) we've all had 'em then married for content. (too be continnued)
Find a soul mate and you'll chill out.
Just check for an adams apple. Hahahhah.
Thanks for the helpful try.
"...the pool hall I loved as a kid is now a 7-11..."
If you don't like our prices bring your wife down and we'll dicker.
#350709 - 05/05/07 12:39 PM
Re: Men.....and why they suck at meeting women
[Re: ]
Professional Tveecher
Registered: 04/21/03
Posts: 1656
Loc: Rockport,TX
Merg, more power to you, but I've been a woman a good long time. I know what they think they want and I know what they really need when it comes to men. I can spot the good men a long way off.
Chasing the arm candy for fun is fine. But if you get serious, be prepared to lose. Lose a house, lose your income, lose your kids.
This is the state of Washington. If you are a man, BEND OVER. thats whats funny. its hard to understand as a woman....but all of the physcology...literally thousands of women i have talked to and interacted with...... women do not have a choice in the attraction department. i could show you any time of the week. pick any woman ( thats single, just because i dont wreck homes but i used to just go after taken women in my bastard days) anywhere. i can establish an attraction with her. its all about your frame of mind and how you come across. why do women ( 99%) of the time stay with men that beat them??? or treat them like crap?? or pick the wrong "bad boy" type ALL THE TIME???? ever notice beautiful women......with the goofiest lookin dudes?? dont see to many good lookin guys with ugly women. theres a whole slew of physcology behind it. once you learn about how the interaction goes...and you have the confidence to pull it off....
Edited by Mergantroider (05/05/07 12:50 PM)
“If fishing is interfering with your job, get another job.”
#350711 - 05/05/07 12:56 PM
Re: Men.....and why they suck at meeting women
[Re: Mergantroider]
Professional Tveecher
Registered: 04/21/03
Posts: 1656
Loc: Rockport,TX
this is years....Years ...of beating the streets...reading books....hahaha testing stuff out on women. wonce you get it though. its amazing. theres a game going on. No matter who you are, how old you are...there is an interaction "game" so to speak , going on between a man and a woman when they interact on that level. guys: you ever been talking to a woman....its goin along jsut fine...your thinkin your doin ok...then ...bam....you get this weird vibe like......i think its done...i think i just lost it??? but you dont know why.....or she all of a sudden wont return your calls?? or acts a little weird around you?? its all that physcology that goes with interacting with the opposite sex. you missed something and it basically just hosed you  thank god women can be attracted no matter what you look like because that enables ANY guy to go interact and establish an attraction with ANY women he chooses. ANY!!!!!! men are totally different. 90% is if we are attracted to the "looks" of a woman. We are all visual. But......thats visually stimulating in our OWN minds. society pushes most men to think that super skinny model types are the way to go. but taste differs. it would have to for the human race to go on. But fit looking women will always be attractive to men because of the fact that , taht is a desireable trait in any mate. visual stimulation. Women are 90% personality stimulation i have a fat bald friend about 210 lbs 5' 8" .....this man dates some of the hottest women i have ever seen. most of them ...yes...arm candy. but after you date the idiots for awhile you start to narrow down your standards....your morals....and your values. you start being able to get VERy picky. he finally found one of the most amazing women i have met in my day...drop dead gorgeous....smart....bachelors degree.
“If fishing is interfering with your job, get another job.”
#350713 - 05/05/07 01:05 PM
Re: Men.....and why they suck at meeting women
[Re: Mergantroider]
Professional Tveecher
Registered: 04/21/03
Posts: 1656
Loc: Rockport,TX
no no no i know most of you are older....i was starting this as a vent. mostly i think that 99% of guys under sell themselves. no offense Krijack.....i think what you said there is underselling yourself. I want the best for myself. the smartest, most attractive women i can find. Dont i deserve that? why do i have to settle.....? I will put it to any man who is unhappy....to not settle for ANYTHING!!! It just angers me when i see men just saying "oh well" yes i realize most of you are married or taken...whcih makes this an interesting conversation. but at the same time i wasnt just talking about women. these days i have seen alot of men just settle...for this job.....for that women, for whatever reason.....for this lifestyle.....its like ... gosh...very frustrating. my generation has it worse because of the way kids are gettign treated these days and the quality of the parents raising them i was just venting...alot of it stems from the fact that i see alot of men ( some of my friends) settle for a women because they Crave that companionship.....or they feel alone. they settle because they just give up on meeting "the one" blehhhh makes me puke in my shorts. have a nice day guys.
“If fishing is interfering with your job, get another job.”
#350714 - 05/05/07 01:07 PM
Re: Men.....and why they suck at meeting women
[Re: RowVsWade]
Professional Tveecher
Registered: 04/21/03
Posts: 1656
Loc: Rockport,TX
Hahahaahahhha.......I am amazed that I made it this long without that info. Three kids later and the Merg gives me love advice.........thanks kid ....but chicks like you post are a dime a dozen (but still hot) we've all had 'em then married for content. (too be continnued)
Find a soul mate and you'll chill out.
Just check for an adams apple. Hahahhah.
Thanks for the helpful try. three kids!! you are an animal. write a book man! i would love to read it. anybody that can raise more than two is a legend in my mind 
“If fishing is interfering with your job, get another job.”
#350729 - 05/05/07 02:43 PM
Re: Men.....and why they suck at meeting women
[Re: Dan S.]
Returning Adult
Registered: 10/14/99
Posts: 379
Loc: Orygun
I think I just figured it out. Merg is T.K.s illigitimate spawn!
"I reject your reality and substitute my own"
#350736 - 05/05/07 03:52 PM
Re: Men.....and why they suck at meeting women
[Re: grumpyr]
Professional Tveecher
Registered: 04/21/03
Posts: 1656
Loc: Rockport,TX
"I reject your reality and substitute my own"
beautiful sig. my friend
if theres anything worth pondering and absorbing this line right here will change your life. saeems so inconsequential doesnt it???
i will tell you in life....you can convince...or do anything to anyone , anytime you want if you beleive what you believe....more than the other person.
"your in my reality now..."
i have boggled peoples minds with this. If you truly beleive this....it will come out in your behavoir. This is a powerful physcological tool. If you keep the frame of mind that your reality bubble surrounds you, and that any one that steps in it is in your reality.....wow.....i have seen and done some crazy things with this. you just smile and know that anyone in your bubble is subject to your reality.....whew...i get a boner just thinkin about it. thats how i have gotten every job i have had....every girl i have ever met ( in the last three years) all the cars i have ever bought ( many) every deal i have ever walked into. its absolutely amazing. i learned it from a physcologist. amoung other techniques and excercises .
“If fishing is interfering with your job, get another job.”
#351011 - 05/07/07 01:39 AM
Re: Men.....and why they suck at meeting women
[Re: RowVsWade]
Random VaJJ Stalker
Registered: 11/06/03
Posts: 3323
Loc: Port Angeles
chicks like you post are a dime a dozen (but still hot) we've all had 'em then married for content. i think i'll stick to that first stage right now!! haha i'm diggin it
#351020 - 05/07/07 02:04 AM
Re: Men.....and why they suck at meeting women
[Re: mreyns_tgl]
Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 937
Loc: Everwet
The Merg's  prowess with the ladies(and I use the term loosely) seems to be nothing more than ego stroking for himself... Be careful, the lure of easy women also has a consequence which you may or may not be prepared to deal with..Beware of dirty clams...
Present AKA Knuckledragger
#351127 - 05/07/07 04:45 PM
Re: Men.....and why they suck at meeting women
[Re: ]
River Nutrients
Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 6732
Merg, as you grow up you'll learn that, just as with fishing, the older you get quality becomes more important than quantity.
I've seen the pics you post of women and I haven't seen one I'd be remotely interested in. They all look like ditsy airheads who spend life in front of the mirror and hanging out with arrogant losers. Can't do anything because they might break a nail or mess their hair up. I can hear them now "as if" "it's like" "he drives a porsch" "ewwww" "awesome"......these women are why alcohol was invented.
"You learn more from losing than you do from winning." Lou Pinella
#351148 - 05/07/07 06:21 PM
Re: Men.....and why they suck at meeting women
[Re: Salmo g.]
Professional Tveecher
Registered: 04/21/03
Posts: 1656
Loc: Rockport,TX
I think Deangelo is described in "The Game." He was a student who became a top gamer and began teaching it.
Your strategy is right on for girls in your age group. By the time they're in their late 30s, with kids and divorced, what they're looking for in a man changes significantly. Those with any brains are no longer interested in jerks, or witty cocky funny guys like yourself. The brainless ones take longer to mature, not unexpectedly. Salmo G. wow.....you are a very...very learned man. i would be interested just to go fishin one time with you or something. not many people get around to broadening their horizens to physcology and books that deal with physcological issues ( pertaining to men and women) and beyond. if i remember right, you have a degree in a few things? besides life  not trying to sell anything. just trying to challenge other men to not settle for anything, beleive in yourself and what you do. "Those with any brains are no longer interested in jerks, or witty cocky funny guys like yourself. The brainless ones take longer to mature, not unexpectedly. hmmmm that is hard to determine. Deangelo....and ...hmmm cant recall his name ..wrote "the ellusive obvious" says that the character changes.....but the drives that drive us....do not. they just change a little. Deangelo interviews many men into their mid 30's that still are out doing it. what they say is that it just takes a different approach, when you go for smarter more mature women you also have to step up. tone down. whatever. the issue being....are you acting like you? or decieving someone into thinking thats you? True....i am not as successful with older women as i am with younger women. Being as i am high energy, intelligent, funny. i have only found one woman in my life that can compare. most peopel are just not that into life, adventerous, outgoing as i am. so obviously my field of women that i can narrow down to the "good ones' is a VERY small field indeed. i will say though that i have done it.....its harder and requires more of my time....and it requires me to act someone i am not.....but it can be done....and if i felt like acting "not me" i could date all the older smarter, fun women i want. but not as successful. because anytime you dont act like you....people know it.....it just wont work as well. plays back into believing in what you beleive in more than the other person. the thing about is ...besides it not beign the point of this post.....i dont worry about it...at all.... i dont really care. theres plenty of women out there....i have plenty of time. i can be as picky or as choosy as i want. what do i care how long it takes?? i have all the time in the world. I now have an AMAZING, gorgeous, fun, funny, spontaneous, straightforward, no nonsense kind of girl. one of a kind...in looks....in personality....in everything. I have never even come close to finding this kind of caliber of woman that is responsible, has values morals that she absolutely sticks to. is reasonable. but is still a sensitive women  its awesome. i dont think women are trouble at all. i think its all mindset, you have to be willing to comprimise but still stand up for what you beleive in and what your about. just be reasonable, and caring. they are as much trouble as you let them. why would they be any less trouble then us men already get into? i think men are just a lot more selfish then women and its hard for them to sacrifice anything, or put themselves in other peoples shoes. anyway. this conversation is awesome. Salmo G. i am still in a little bit awe of how broad your knowledge is.
“If fishing is interfering with your job, get another job.”
#351152 - 05/07/07 06:31 PM
Re: Men.....and why they suck at meeting women
[Re: stlhead]
Professional Tveecher
Registered: 04/21/03
Posts: 1656
Loc: Rockport,TX
Merg, as you grow up you'll learn that, just as with fishing, the older you get quality becomes more important than quantity.
I've seen the pics you post of women and I haven't seen one I'd be remotely interested in. They all look like ditsy airheads who spend life in front of the mirror and hanging out with arrogant losers. Can't do anything because they might break a nail or mess their hair up. I can hear them now "as if" "it's like" "he drives a porsch" "ewwww" "awesome"......these women are why alcohol was invented. hahahaha i never said that those were quality women. EVER. those words did not leave my mouth. You described them exactly as they really are. Thats why they are on those pictures. no girl i date is ever in pictures like that. hahaha thats not quality...thats quantity. meeting women worth your while is a lengthy process of weeding out all the thousands of daddy issue, insecure, stuck up, moronic, women. but.....men have jsut the same amount of stupid, selfish , buttholes, as women. hahahah its all in where your at in life....have you started to deal with the emotional issues you carry around? or are you still blaming everything on everyone else still?
“If fishing is interfering with your job, get another job.”
#351356 - 05/08/07 04:13 PM
Re: Men.....and why they suck at meeting women
[Re: Mergantroider]
River Nutrients
Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 13589
Gee Merg, I didn't think anyone as self confident as you could be in awe of anyone, even yourself, given the way you come across on this internet BB. I think I gave you a bit of grief a while back for some of your hyperactive proclivities, meaning no harm really, but your internet persona is more hyper than the energizer bunny, hahahahahahaha. I get the feeling you're a pretty good kid, and VHawk seems to like you, and you probably are more worldly than most of your age group peers.
Yeah, at this point my degree in life is more valuable to me than my degree in biology. Take care and have fun with your bikini fishing derby.
Salmo g.
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