The stone I had was 5mm(3/16) x 10mm(3/8), it moved around so they couldn't blast it with sound the first two times so they treaded a camera and then the laser through the only hole available and blasted it. I was awake enough to hear the Dr. say to one of the nurses " Grab his penis and don"t let it go!"
Well, a new day and a new outlook toward life. They did the camera thing but didn't have to place a shunt to allow things to flow. Thank god for having an abnormally large.... never mind
For the past few weeks me and the Dr had been trying to figure out what the pain was from (stomach area). I saw family practitioner Wed, CAT scan Thurs, Urologist Friday, and then Friday afternoon on my to Canada to play in a soccer tourney the urologist calls and says we need to get this thing out Monday morning. "Can't we just do it Tuesday or next week"? He's like, "you're kidding me right"?
I will say the men that were on the team had a hard time complaining about a nick here or strain there 'cause their wives would have called them a bunch of sissies knowing what their goalie (me) was going thru between the pipes. I've had a few different operations and many other injuries but this was the most painful thing I'd ever experienced.
So on to yesterday. After the operation I passed about a gallon of blood yesterday along with a couple panes of glass and today life is good. Before going in for the procedure my buddy suggested I write "HANDLE W/CARE" on the little feller
but "he'd" gone into hiding knowing what was about to happen to "him".
Drink lots of water. Lesson learned (maybe).