No matter who's elected, if things don't change, we will have a semi third world economy in no time. It's to their (Cabal) advantage, that we buy into the media generated differences, thereby not noticing the similarities of being human. They have us divided into many groups, ( Democrat, Republican, Race, Religion, Conservative, Liberals, etc.) so that we fight it out, and hate our neighbors, and not notice the man behind the curtain. This keeps us from joining together, and demanding better choices of candidates, and demands for accountability for the common good of all of Americans. This prevents us from seeing the forest for the tree's.
We need to change the system of Campaign financing, so that all candidate can be on equal footing. We need public funded elections so that the other political party's can compete in debate, and in the media. Keep this up, Dubai will be handed over the office's of the Cia and Homeland security.
Monopoly money wins again. American people go strait to jail, collect no money and don't pass go.
Take the cotton out of your ears folks, and put it in your mouth. I'm talking about China setting up sweat shops here on the main land, people!? Air Bus is looking for cheap US labor, and are planning a building cite here in the States.
They do this for the cheap labor and production cost, which will definitely upset Boeing's apple cart.
At the rate China is sucking coins out of the system, they will be setting up manufacturing here as well, because the labor will be cheaper here, than in China.
Strange but true, the predicament we find ourselves in. Wonder why our leaders are hesitant in supporting World environmental pollution restrictions? Could it be that, if and when China decides it wants to remove smoke stacks and smog from it's atmosphere and territory, they can always have them moved here, while they get cleaner air, as our politician get bankrolled? However, this wont prevent them from controlling the World's economy, with all the cheap goods from the sweat shops, they will set up here, and the snowballing growth of it's currency. China has mass property holdings all over this country, and especially here in Western Washington. Remember GW and his, "brother can you spare a dime, so that we can afford to slap ___, and Iraq ass, for their oil." Now we owe the farm and they still own the oil..
Just imagine in the future, the further North, the cheaper the labor, as heating fuel becomes an issue. Can you imagine living in the factory where you work (as they do in China now) in order not to freeze your butt off, and making a few pieces to send back to the family in Minnesota?
Could be right around the corner, that we realize getting the bulk customer services, and phone tech assistance job holdings, that India and other countries now monopolize. Why? Because it would be cheaper here, than any where else. One thing that would be welcomed, would be the ability to understand the English being spoke by the person at the other end of the line.
Just looking at, and commenting on the direction the ship is heading. We need to clean house, and get new people in congress, as well as the White house. I don't really care for most. If their mouth's are moving, they are lying. Maybe with the exception of a couple or three.
Arguing over who's the best politician of the choices we have, is like pissing in the wind, and expecting to not get soaked.
Besides, the one with the most votes, still may not get the nod.
The election could still get handed to the loser, as has happened in the past. Is that Third World behavior, or what. Remember, they still did not fix those easy to manipulate voting machines, that are at the ready with the same identical flaws. Neither party will protect, because they Know that there masters wont like it if they do. Might jeopardize their chance of being appointed, or handed the election. We have had 8 years to clean this [censored] up, and still there is not a peep, from any of our so call leaders, for an update on the status of securing our vote. A paper trail is no longer required. That way, there can be no contest of any of their shenanigans, after the polls are closed, and the numbers are entered electronically, for the winner thats chosen in advance of the voting.
Go ahead and keep slamming each other, with the media generated mythology, that promotes hatred, and isms of all conservatives, liberals, all Christians, Muslims, Buddhist, Hindu, Jews, Red Men, Yellow men, white men, Brown men. You name it, they will find hate for it . It's the foundation of the blame game. I don't have it, so you must have it, while the real crooks continue to get away clean, with the content of the vault, leaving the almost extinct middle class holding the bag.