I also like my women flexible.
It's not necessary to be that flexible in order to get the full benefits of Yoga, for your body. That's what scares a lot of people away from Yoga. They think that they have to be able to do the advanced poses, or they will feel out of place. I mention this because, she was doing Yoga asana poses in her demonstrations. She did and inversion, which is great for restoration, and longevity, and called a 1. Hand Stand, or the Sanskrit ( adho mukha vrkshasana ), 2. Back Bend, or ( urdhva dhanurasana )
3. Pigeon Pose, or ( Eka Pada Rajakapotasana ), 4. Dancer, or ( Natarajasana ), 5. Splits, also called Flying Monkey.
For all of those poses, their are modifications that will help you get the full benefits of that pose, and suited for your body type and ability.
You can use props, ( chairs, bolsters, the wall, straps, blocks, etc) that help with modifications. Whatever you do, don't injure yourself, trying to keep up with the Jone's. An important thing to remember, is that Yoga isn't about doing violence to one self.
I have been doing Yoga for 10 years, and it's an important part of my lifestyle. Yoga is for everyone. No matter the shape of your body, your age. or disability, their is a Yoga class out there that fits. Remember not to judge yourself by what others are doing on their mat. Your main business is what you do on your mat. It's OK to admire the fitness and shapes, of the beautiful women in your class, that may be more flexible than you. Just don't let anything scare you from a Yoga class, and the benefits that awaits you.
My girl is a Yogi, and practices Ayurveda same as I do. Check it out, you may wind up with a chick like that one in the video, and healthier for it.