"Bush's economic policies have led to the slowest, smallest job growth ever."
You do know that most of the large companies like Proctor and Gamble have around 40% of their sales overseas. That our population is moving to old age like a rodent in a snake with no real population increase on the near horizon. That when baby boomer are done or nearly done retiring, the contributors to the SS system will drop from 3:1 to 2:1. That companies like Harley are relying on China and Europe for growth. That the growth in those countries is so high, that steel prices are through the roof, which makes building infrastructure and building very expensive here. Scrap steel is 200 dollars a ton. Not long ago it was 400 a ton. Back in 05 Scrap steel was under a hundred per ton. The lack of drilling in the states and refinery capacity, along with ethanol has really increased to cost of farm products, both green and living.
That Joseph Biden specifically stated that the subprime loan crisis is due to
Lax congressional and regulator oversight, since the hedge funds require One million net worth to invest in hedge funds and since the govt wont insure that, they dont have specific regulation to cover the investments.
Was this program for lax loan requirements and low interest rates called the American dream initiaitve? Wasnt it started during the Clinton administration? And really, should we have expected such great numbers since 2000, since we had a small recession the year of the election and followed by an undeniable tragedy, with long lasting effects?
Granted the value of the dollar was not supported with more than words, since they kept spending in congress, long after they defeated republicans. over excess spending. So what have they done lately. Obama wants universal preschool? Finland keeps their kids at home until they are Seven and they out score all other kids. (however apparently mothers are subsidized to stay home. )
Frankly there are more people in the cross hairs on this than the whitehouse. (Greenspan?) The tech bubble of the nineties was not a reflection of Clinton Gore, but how much could they improve the explosiion of computer sales, along with downstream business. Those stocks were priced for perfection and they still are.