#452031 - 09/07/08 08:10 PM
Re: Dino Rossi's Position on Fishing in WA State
[Re: Carcassman]
River Nutrients
Registered: 05/22/05
Posts: 3771
You can be for removing CR gillnets for the reason that they are nonselective, and kill many ESA listed species. But if you think removing them will recover CR salmon runs, then your in for a real disappointment, you could end all harvest, including the ocean, and recovery would just be a dream. 85% of all CR mortality happens at the dams. Want to put more fish in the CR? Then remove the four lower Snake River dams. It''s not harvest, it's habitat.
#452038 - 09/07/08 09:24 PM
Re: Dino Rossi's Position on Fishing in WA State
[Re: Illahee]
Registered: 01/01/03
Posts: 2190
Loc: Post Falls Idaho
Every politician is in some group's pocket. You just want to make sure that they are in the pockets of the groups that do something for you.
Even if Dino gets elected he is a lame duck. With a legislature full of Democrats how far do you think Dino will get with all of his promises?
"90% of Life is just showing up and doing the work". Tred Barta Sr.
#452051 - 09/07/08 11:12 PM
Re: Dino Rossi's Position on Fishing in WA State
[Re: Idaho Mike]
River Nutrients
Registered: 12/30/07
Posts: 3116
Even if Dino gets elected he is a lame duck. With a legislature full of Democrats how far do you think Dino will get with all of his promises? quote
There are a number of states that prove otherwise. Texas, Mass. CA. there are probably others. Reagan. Clinton, McCain.
#452053 - 09/07/08 11:16 PM
Re: Dino Rossi's Position on Fishing in WA State
[Re: Fast and Furious]
River Nutrients
Registered: 12/30/07
Posts: 3116
Carcassman, visit the website and read the position papers. They have a fairly new chapter in Olympia. ccapnw.org
Things are going well and growing.
#452071 - 09/08/08 12:32 AM
Re: Dino Rossi's Position on Fishing in WA State
[Re: Carcassman]
Three Time Spawner
Registered: 06/03/06
Posts: 1540
Loc: Tacoma
Todd, If you think that the average democrat is for out door activities, then you are clueless. I guarantee that you can talk all about fishing, hunting or wear fur to every republican gathering I've been to. I would love to see you wear a fur coat to a democrat convention in Seattle, and then start talking about how great the elk you shot tasted. You might make it out alive.
If you think development regulations are so bad, then surely you have definite solutions that will work. I would love to see them. What I see are liberal county good-doers insisting on tactics that work in reverse. Tack road impact fees of $4000.00 on people living 50 feet from a freeway, since they will spend more time on congested roads and $250.00 fees on people living in Eatonville, and then wonder why growth is moving outward. I live in town, 2 minutes from a freeway, with 24 hour bus service, 5 minutes from the sounder train, in an area 99% developed, about 20% multifamily and 65% with small lots. But when those of us with larger lots want to redevelop we find out that we have a lot size requirement that is larger than 90% of the growth area. There are areas 20 minutes from the free way with no bus service that have 5 times the denity allowed. Why, because the county wants to spread out growth. What we need are politicans that are not after the big guys because they are easy targets, but will start requiring people who live on hood canal hook up to sewer and outlaw nitrates in the area. Politicans that will make all riverfront owners put in dry wells, rather than making developers 2 miles away spend a hundred thousand extra on systems that have a negligable effect. I am waiting with great anticipation for you to tell me of all the great laws Christine Gregoire enacted and how they will save us. Please, rather than just resort to telling us how dumb we all are, tell us what the democratic candidate has done that is so great....
#452072 - 09/08/08 12:35 AM
Re: Dino Rossi's Position on Fishing in WA State
[Re: Carcassman]
Three Time Spawner
Registered: 06/03/06
Posts: 1540
Loc: Tacoma
Todd, If you think that the average democrat is for out door activities, then you are clueless. I guarantee that you can talk all about fishing, hunting or wear fur to every republican gathering I've been to. I would love to see you wear a fur coat to a democrat convention in Seattle, and then start talking about how great the elk you shot tasted. You might make it out alive.
If you think development regulations are so bad, then surely you have definite solutions that will work. I would love to see them. What I see are liberal county good-doers insisting on tactics that work in reverse. Tack road impact fees of $4000.00 on people living 50 feet from a freeway, since they will spend more time on congested roads and $250.00 fees on people living in Eatonville, and then wonder why growth is moving outward. I live in town, 2 minutes from a freeway, with 24 hour bus service, 5 minutes from the sounder train, in an area 99% developed, about 20% multifamily and 65% with small lots. But when those of us with larger lots want to redevelop we find out that we have a lot size requirement that is larger than 90% of the growth area. There are areas 20 minutes from the free way with no bus service that have 5 times the denity allowed. Why, because the county wants to spread out growth. What we need are politicans that are not after the big guys because they are easy targets, but will start requiring people who live on hood canal hook up to sewer and outlaw nitrates in the area. Politicans that will make all riverfront owners put in dry wells, rather than making developers 2 miles away spend a hundred thousand extra on systems that have a negligable effect. I am waiting with great anticipation for you to tell me of all the great laws Christine Gregoire enacted and how they will save us. Please, rather than just resort to telling us how dumb we all are, tell us what the democratic candidate has done that is so great....
#452074 - 09/08/08 12:42 AM
Re: Dino Rossi's Position on Fishing in WA State
[Re: Krijack]
River Nutrients
Registered: 11/21/07
Posts: 7698
Loc: Olema,California,Planet Earth
It is not that one party or the other will do what is necessary to protect/restore the environment. The Ds and Rs will do as little as they can while still reatining the support of voters.
As noted above by Krijack, we know at least some of the things that need to be done to Hood Canal. Any bets on when sewers will go in???
#452089 - 09/08/08 05:52 AM
Re: Dino Rossi's Position on Fishing in WA State
[Re: Carcassman]
Registered: 02/06/03
Posts: 754
Krijack, you kinda have a good point on the whole party line use of the outdoors, and I can see the line drawn with my own friends. I also notice the TYPE of sportsmen that those lines mean, I believe that in general liberals seem to see the environment as a "whole" and get the picture of how it actually works. My right wing buddies (and not even all that far right) DONT GET IT! You cannot manage a resource of ANY kind by working just one or two angles, and running them like industrial machines…. you cant in other words run the resource to make a profit from it...seems like an oxymoron though doesn’t it? -and to a lesser point, about your quotes on taxes, roads, and what not. everyone should remember HOW LONG it takes to build even a 3 lane (2/ 1 turn) road, let alone a freeway. Also remember how much its costs now versus the life of the project...oh and don’t forget that an average population, at our rate of growth will DOUBLE every 7-10 years. You cant keep up with roads like that, SMART communities, Good transit and CONSERVATION are some of the keys of the puzzle. Not saying you are wrong, many points are right but lets take Tacoma for example, do we really need to be punching 500 homes on Pacific Hwy, way out in the middle of BF nowhere? NO, but someone wanted to sell their land to retire and then one thing lead to another and then there are so many people, they need a wall-mart (final nail in coffin) great! (guess who would support those developmental steps) You know and that is just the type of crap Dino would promote. Its not a pick of people vs. the resource, its our current practices. Small changes add up and will not really change the "posh" lifestyle we are used to. The thing that really Krispies my critters though can be this board…as well as others, the web is a great way for people that know "just enough to be dangerous" to spew their crap. Sorry to call some of you out but its the few...well maybe some more that like to just point the blame. THERE IS A CYCLE to things children, remember? Our waters have many problems and are largely the same across the board, the Hood is getting the raw end of the deal because of a DAM, lack of any other real flushing, and a large hump under the bridge doesn’t help either. The damn is the OBVIOUS ONE, oh there are Indians though….so….lets blame them! Lets OVERLOOK the ...literally….hundreds or more "whitey" septics that are leaking and not being fixed. Lets OVERLOOK the overwhelming amounts of nitrogen and/or O2 depriving elements that are being washed down rivers and creeks from current logging practices (need I remind you.. werehouser, Chehalis, storm? Try googling it) and alder run-off, lets also OVERLOOK all the crap we put on our lawns that over-nitrify, eat oxygen, raise temps and rob water from the resource. While we are at it lets OVERLOOK ocean trawlers, and the commercial industry as a whole right down to the influx of diss-respectful sh&tty-A$$ guides about nowadays. --SIDE NOTE-- let me just say this resource is not a guarantee, just because your grandpa, and father and cousin and dog or whoever where allowed to rape and pillage on the resource with a "fishing was great, the limit was 3 fish a day 7 days a week. We were the Salmon capital of the world." kinda attitude DOES NOT mean the you are entitled to the same!! Its that crap like oldfisherman is spewing , lets keep up that line of thinking because I know of at least 4 dams on major rivers around here and last I heard the runs weren’t too good. Pick up a book, hell, read a couple Google pages on it, do SOME sort of research before you throw a lame-ass dull excuse into a real knife fight. you can be old and afraid or intimidated by phones, and games, and technology, but you should NEVER be afraid of learning more, especially about your passions...SO PICK UP A BOOK! As for the others touting the dino flag of hypocrisy, your probably the later of the examples of my friends....it makes me hurt to hear the crap outta your mouths or keyboards but that’s the game right? the two opposing sides to find the neutral middle...I just wish some people woulda done their homework. as for my .02. Put it in your pipe and smoke it a$$hats
Fish gills are like diesel engines, don't run them out of fuel!
#452166 - 09/08/08 05:43 PM
Re: Dino Rossi's Position on Fishing in WA State
[Re: On The Swing]
Three Time Spawner
Registered: 06/03/06
Posts: 1540
Loc: Tacoma
Swing, I think you misunderstood me on the roads. My problem isn't so much with road impact fees, it is with encouraging growth where there are no resources. Pierce County does this with a bunch of policies. One is higher fees in closer and lesser fees out farther. The idea is that the one in closer impacts high traffic zones more. That is true, but the result is that more people move out farther, and then, as you said, so does commerce. Another motivation to move out farther are the combination of subdivision improvements and maximum lot sizes. To make a division work, the developer is required to install sidewalks, parks, wider roads, at the same time is required to build smaller lots. The result is small lots at high costs and low permination. Little things like no sidewalks or on only one side of the road, 30 foot right of ways and no parks would result in larger lots sizes and more permability. The same amount of land being developed, just better enviormentally. As it is, every new home already pays a park impact for new parks and park infastructure. A furter result is that if you want a new home with a lot bigger than 4200 sq ft, you are pushed out farther into the country. There is a huge influx of huge, luxery homes on 5 to 20 acre lots that went on in the last 5 years. Most of these people would have been happy on a 1/2 lot, but there is no such thing allowed in the new zoning code. As a result, they bought up weyerhauser land (subdivion allowed under the democrates) and will continue to do so. We used a little used provision that allowed us to subdivide 38 acres in to one acre lots and keep the remaining 30 acres in open space. There is a creek that runs through the open space and deer run freely. If most of the county officals had their way, the provision would not have been allowed and we would have been kept to 4- 10 acre lots with only a small wetland buffer. The area would have been cleared, fenced, roads punched in, and the habitat destroyed. We were able to use joint driveways off the existing road and our impact is going to be negliable with twice the density. Weryerhauser could have done the same thing, but the provisions only allow up to 8 lots and encourage large lot divisions. So, they gated off several thousand acres, used the same poorly designed, gravel roads, and sold them off as 20 acre lots.
I tried to point out that this was going to happen to the county growth officals, but all they could see was a lower density. Less people is better right? At the same time they are dumping millions into an area with 3 to 4% unemployment and discouraging multifamily. They tout growth, but try to stop it at the same time. While you like to think liberals think broader, my experience says they are just as narrow thinking as most conservatives. They are convinced that sewers, wider roads and smaller lots are the greatest thing, then start panicking about recharge, not seeing a possible connect between the two.
My opinion is that the hard right does focus on one aspect, but the radical left does the same thing, just in a different fashion. They try to take the enviroment on as a whole, but leave out the human aspect entirely. Economic impact don't matter, direct cost doesn't matter, effects on standard of living don't matter, human nature is ignored. As Todd implied, people who have children have no regard for enviroment. Everyone should be a gay vegan living in a downtown seattle condo, walk to work and be happy paying 90% of there wages to the govenment.
Both sides have extremes and neither are favorable.
Edited by Krijack (09/08/08 05:44 PM)
#452169 - 09/08/08 06:12 PM
Re: Dino Rossi's Position on Fishing in WA State
[Re: Krijack]
Registered: 02/06/03
Posts: 754
I still do agree with you Kri and now i see what you where getting at, it will come down to the develpoing with green in mind and understanding thatits not the savior but a tool helping fix the larger problem. I just hate when the blame gets thrown around quick, we all have vested interests in the problem and contribute to it, so until we all open our eyes to our own hypocrisy then the finger will continue to point!
bhah!! its all because of warmer seas and JELLYFISH blooms...thats my finger pointing for the declining salmon stock
Fish gills are like diesel engines, don't run them out of fuel!
#452329 - 09/09/08 01:19 PM
Re: Dino Rossi's Position on Fishing in WA State
[Re: Slab Quest]
Poon it! Poon it! Poon it!
Registered: 08/08/06
Posts: 1714
Loc: Yarrow Point
Glad you asked, SlabQuest... You can read more here, but she's ahead of Rossi on this one, including specifically asking the WDFW commissioner to prepare plans to convert non-tribal fishing to selective, not just to consider selective fishing a tool, but to convert. There's a previous thread here, with a link to ifish with a scan of her letter. http://www.piscatorialpursuits.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/445334/1
The charm of fishing is that it is the pursuit of what is elusive but attainable, a perpetual series of occasions for hope. -John Buchan
#452399 - 09/09/08 11:41 PM
Re: Dino Rossi's Position on Fishing in WA State
[Re: IrishRogue]
River Nutrients
Registered: 12/30/07
Posts: 3116
Glad you asked, SlabQuest... You can read more here, but she's ahead of Rossi on this one, including specifically asking the WDFW commissioner to prepare plans to convert non-tribal fishing to selective, not just to consider selective fishing a tool, but to convert. There's a previous thread here, with a link to ifish with a scan of her letter. http://www.piscatorialpursuits.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/445334/1 Rossi is also in favor of selective harvest and his positions have been posted here. It took CG almost four years to get off the dime. She had plenty of chance, last year to make the case for the 440,000 dollars BPA grant for equipment to test, that would allow selective harvest. The WDFW turned down the grant. Brian Baird and Norm Dicks have gone on record long before the governor, in favor of selective harvest. The tribes have donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to democrats. No conflict of interest there. What happens if the state and the tribes go to court? Oh ya, I forgot we did and we lost and now CG is discussing other kinds of trades because they still dont want to spend the money on the culverts, that the state put in, that affect migration and imprinting of naitve fish. When will she really care about fish? When she doesnt catch any. She is going to put sportsmen back in the shoebox after the election. There will be no payoff.
#452410 - 09/10/08 12:04 AM
Re: Dino Rossi's Position on Fishing in WA State
[Re: ]
River Nutrients
Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 3188
Loc: U.S. Army
You see, to be a Republican candidate all you have to be a shameless liar. Evidently it's okay because Charlie Rangel's a liar, too.
Tent makers for Christie, 2016.
#452474 - 09/10/08 10:59 AM
Re: Dino Rossi's Position on Fishing in WA State
[Re: goharley]
Registered: 03/17/99
Posts: 774
Loc: Everett, WA USA
You see, to be a Republican candidate all you have to be a shameless liar. Evidently it's okay because Charlie Rangel's a liar, too. Is Charlie Rangel running for govenor of our state? I think not. Rossie is and if you believe half of what he or his ads say than you need some help.
"Even if you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there." Will Rogers
#452549 - 09/10/08 04:32 PM
Re: Dino Rossi's Position on Fishing in WA State
[Re: Fast and Furious]
Juvenile at Sea
Registered: 03/10/08
Posts: 229
Loc: WA
Earth to Leadeater its a nice sunny day, time to leave your basement
#452561 - 09/10/08 05:40 PM
Re: Dino Rossi's Position on Fishing in WA State
[Re: Tackle Shack]
River Nutrients
Registered: 11/26/06
Posts: 4317
Loc: South Sound
#452635 - 09/10/08 11:09 PM
Re: Dino Rossi's Position on Fishing in WA State
[Re: Irie]
River Nutrients
Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 3188
Loc: U.S. Army
No, Stever, that's from another thread where Deadender Bounce claimed it's okay for the R's to lie because Charlie Rangel does.
Go figure.
Tent makers for Christie, 2016.
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