Volunteer to remove or repair barbed wire fences on public, private/public access lands, and private lands.
I always inspect my dogs during and after a hunt for cuts and hitchhikers(cheat grass etc.) Several times I have had to end my hunt because of barbed wire injuries to my pups. I have lost money to stitch the wounds and lost hunting hours while these wounds heal.
I hunt of multitude of ground with public access. Some of these grounds are state purhases transformed into wildlife areas. All of which have miles of barbed wire fences with absolutley no purpose. A 100 yards or so are in good condition then the next 100 is laying down with posts missing; serving no purpose. They are not boundary fences and simply left there to sit.
I would like to get a feel for the amount of support of volunteers to remove these un-needed fences. These fences tear up our dogs, are dangerous obstacles for hunters, and are obstacles for some game animals. The master hunter program for WA requires 20 hours of community service for WDFW purposes. This would be a great way to achieve those hours and clean up our hunting lands. What do ya think?
For some of us, a bad day of fishing is a bad day at work.
j7 2012