I get asked this question a lot - how do you post photos on PP?
Ok. Here are you step-by-step instructions on how to post images on to Piscatorial Pursuits.
It's a 2-phase operation. Phase 1 is the uploading phase. Phase 2 is the posting phase.
Phase 1 - Uploading.
Congrats on that photo of a lifetime that you just can't wait to share with us. Let's get that photo up on a post.
Directly uploading an image from your computer to this board is currently not a feature of our software. Maybe some day Bob will pay for a modern update to this board that allows a more simple way of directly uploading an image. Until that time, you are going to have to use a 3rd-party image hosting site to host/store your images.
The recommended image hosting site is:
www.imgur.com This is a free site that will easily allow you to host and image. The site provides easy photo resizing and board coding tools to easily help you with the correct image size abd code you need in order to post an image.
Create an account on imgur. Once created, log in to your imgur account. Click on your profile name (upper right hand corner) and select Images.
Before you click the green button that says "Add Images", click on the grey box below that labeled "Auto Resize" and select 640x480. Now you can click on the green Add Images button. You can either drag your image on to this screen, or click the browse button to and go locate the image on your computer.
Imgur will now automatically resize and upload your photo. You should now see this photo in your new list of uploaded images.
Click on this newly uploaded image in Imgur and click the blue COPY button for:
BBCode (message boards & forums)
Phase 2 - Pasting code on the board
So, back in your post, paste the imgur code in to your post.
At this point, hit "Preview" to verify that you have completed all the steps. You SHOULD see your image in your post. If so, hit the POST button and that's it.