in the early '70s there was a movie called "rollerball" with James Caan. the premise was that the corporations ran the world. oh how we laughed at such a ludicrous plot!
and now, just to keep the conversation on health care going, here's an article from my area - it represents so many great things i've been subjected to in this thread - the homeless, medical care, and veterans. please everybody, help sort this one out, show all your work and turn in your scratch paper at the end of class.

Man in coma after collapse in downtown Chico
By GREG WELTER - Staff Writer
Posted: 08/13/2009 12:00:00 AM PDT
CHICO -- A man who collapsed shortly before noon Wednesday at City Plaza is in a coma, but may have been spared from death by the actions of a Chico police officer, who was just yards away and immediately began CPR.
Officer David Bailey, assigned to bicycle patrol in the downtown area, said he had been talking with the man, Ed Brisson, 51, about 11:45 a.m. near the plaza fountain.
Bailey said Brisson was pushing a cart loaded with his belongings toward the corner of Sixth and Broadway streets when he suddenly fell to the ground.
Bailey was assisting him within seconds, administering CPR and calling for medical aid. Emergency medical crews continued life-saving efforts for several minutes before transporting Brisson by ambulance to Enloe Medical Center.
Bailey said that the man appeared to be in extreme distress, and that bubbles were coming from his mouth as he provided CPR. Other officers said the man didn't appear to respond to resuscitation efforts.
On Wednesday afternoon police said the man was alive, but in a coma.
Brisson, a regular visitor to the plaza, is considered a Chico area transient by police, who said they have had dozens of contacts with him over several years.
Police said his nickname on the street is "Ziggy." It's believed that Brisson, who served in the Marine Corps., has relatives in the Chico area.
A man visiting Chico from Merced said he knew Brisson from talking with him at the plaza. The man said Brisson always walked
around with a canister of oxygen, and appeared to be in failing health.
Police suspect no foul play in connection with the man's medical emergency.