Number 3 is kinda what I was getting at.
Why does the 'government' want to do away with guns?
Why does the 'government' want to do away with hunting?
Why do liberals supposedly want government to run every aspect of our daily lives?
What do they have to gain from these things?
That's what I'm trying to find... a rational, logical, factual explanation.
OK, thats something I can expand on a bit.
As for me, I am, for the most part liberal but on the other hand I am generally against the constant pussification of the US. Just because I think one of the richest countries in the world should show more compassion for the meek and war for money doesnt make any sence at all, doesn't mean that I don't like riding dirt bikes, shooting, hunting, fishing etc.. the accessibility to do those things being reduced regularly is what bothers me.
We have come to a point where if it has proven to be undesirable by a group the first reaction is to remove it, regardless of what these actions may represent. As long as it can be lobbied as "safe" or "compassionate" it will gain approval. Just like the war in Iraq wasn't to gain a ME foothold with a military installation, it was to "{liberate the people from tyranny".
A lobby to remove hunting and restrict firearms translates to a initial feeling of safety and compassion to many (many more constituents than actually hunt or use / own firearms). What makes over zealous moms feel safer or the lady with 12 cats feel like all creatures are kept warm and fuzzy, is a win. Just like any politician that wants easy votes, throws "the children" into the speeches and the path of least resistance is to throw money / support at it. To dispute it garnishes a reaction of "child hater" or "scrooge".
Hunting is nowhere near the activity it was 20, 30, 40 years ago so why not get rid of it and let Bambi frolic in the flowery meadow, happy, safe and free?
Why not begin to regulate arms to a point that discourages the enthusiasts and makes people feel safer and that crime is being fought? Less accidental deaths right? Less crime right? More Bambi's frolicking with their wilderness friends right?
Honestly, that is just a notch below Jesus to many and votes and support will follow. Politicians are in the business of manipulating constituents, maybe not all, but most. The lobby to tax registered guns has already reared its head, do you think the restrictions will ever be loosened? I cant think of anything like this that has.
The government has been doing this with off-roading for years and hunting and firearms are going the same way. Maybe I am crazy but take a look at how much land is available for off-roading... if you take the desert out of it, it is even worse.
Keeping the government armed to the teeth while removing that ability from the citizens insures a quick and simple end to any civil upheaval that may occur and is ALWAYS in a governments better interest as it insures a higher level of control.
And as for liberals wanting more government, I don't think anyone necessarily wants more government but if it was left to old white money to help the poor, feed the hungry and care for the old and ill, it would never get done. Trickle down economics doesnt trickle down, it simply pools at the top.
so yeah.. thats why.
P.S. I never listen to Glen Beck or any of those fools, partisan politics are BS.