I was going to let it slide, but since you asked...
What is it you have against the AHIP reform propsals? It reads to me like they match up almost word for word with your complaints.
"Our proposal includes new consumer protections and market rules to guarantee coverage for pre-existing conditions, discontinue basing premiums on a person’s health status or gender, and get everyone covered" -
http://www.ahip.org/content/pressrelease.aspx?docid=28003“As the process progresses, health plans will continue working with members of Congress to enact bipartisan legislation this year that will cover all Americans, make coverage more affordable, and improve quality.” -
http://www.ahip.org/content/pressrelease.aspx?docid=28332"All Americans need to have affordable, portable coverage." -http://www.americanhealthsolution.org/assets/Uploads/ahipreformpolicyproposal.pdf
Anyway, I'd like to see just a few details about why you're against universal coverage, against ending pre-existing conditions exclusions, against removing Evidence of Insurability in individual policies which would guarantee coverage for anyone who applies, regardless of health, and why you're against coverage that would streamline administrative processes and create a universal treatment database to show the best way to treat disease.
I just want to know what changed your mind, since you were so adamant earlier that these are the types of changes that need to happen.