i am looking for ether a jeep (any year) or a truck. i dont care what shape it is in as long as it runs.. I have a 16` crestliner with a hard top a running 65 horse merc. trailer needs tlc but is in moderate shape. i was wondering if anyone would liek to do a trade. for my boat. i really hate to get rid of my boat because i have had some good times in it. the motor was serviced in dec and winterized and is in pretty good condition. well i guss th sole reason why i am geting it is i have an 81 chevy i let my friend borrow it for a week while i was away and i got back and he had blown my head gasget(ahhhhh) it sucks so i am trying to get something to drive and tow my dune buggy.

Here is my e-mail Proboarder4life@aol.com
or call me at 253-334-4424