Good, because you still haven't posted anything to prove West's point. All you've given us is conjecture and who-knows who's opinion.
Show us where chapter paperwork was submitted and then denied because he was muslim. Show us a regulation, or even a local command policy that states muslims would not be relieved of duty or forced to resign their commission. Show us where the Army determined a high probability that Husan was going to commit a crime as a jihad, yet policy or regulation prevented the Army from taking action because he was muslim.
Absent that, you're left with conjecture and speculation. Hardly sufficient for West's argument that the Army promoted Husan and PCS'd him to Hood simply out of political correctness, regardless of how it fires up the base.
Aaron, I'll take your bet. If I ever have the misfortune of being in the same vicinity to which you are sucking up my air, I will most indubitably and incontrovertibly apprise you of your hypocrisy and ill-formed opinions. I still venture over to snivelheader now and then, but not for the political discussion--for the same reason I don't peruse freerepublic. When reading posts by you and your brethren, I can feel the IQ points dropping away like sands in an hourglass. You alone are a virtual IQ vortex into a black hole.