The pieces used on this game brought up by people on this thread were: WDFW, tribes, dams, hatcheries, too many guides, over harvest,CnR,Ocean cycles,nets, habitat, hatchery fish mixed in, habitat, predation, better sport fishermen, addiction to harvest, oil, extraction of every resource, sonar of fish runs,logging, climate, cranked up Alaska harvest, By catch from Japan,Alaska, and BC,and over harvest of herring and other forage fish.
At this juncture of the game one or combination of any or all of above pieces used can go straight to the end game so everybody is right.
The main driver that tipped the scale on the downward spiral of fish bio mass was from commercial fishing interest to supply ever increasing global demand of seafood to multi national outlets. The issues in the quote above then falls into place with variable degrees of value. All these important issues are now in play today due to commercial fishing interest dominance in the political arena with little resistance. Trying to get their hands on more product to get to market.
Commercial interests over the decades to 1995 referendum 45, even though a sportsman backed referendum that established the commission as a sounding board for sportsman and authority to make fish and widelife decisions, had a majority of appointments going to people with commercial interest in mind. To present day, has been stacked with commercial fishing interest agenda going on 1/2 century+ to mold the laws in their favor. Another words what the commission uses for decisions today has a commercial based foundation, do to no fault of their own,which is the reason we are in this sad state of affairs with fish in general. This foundation has proved to be cracked and the whole house of cards is on its way to come tumbling down.