The country would be far beter off if the over 50 generation would just stop voting, shut up and get out of the way. Although there are a few of them that have a clue the vast majority of them make up the most failed generation. Unfortunately they have concentrated the money and power. Now they are just getting in the way of progress in an effort to protect their wealth. As a generation, they have failed the nation like no other generation before.
Go Red Sox,
The Baby Boomers were spoiled rotten on the spoils of WWII and their parent's work ethic gained during The Worst Hard Times of the Great Depression.
As a generation, they became a vast clot of drug-addled selfish crybabies that only care about getting loaded on the latest dope and buying the latest craze. First it was LSD & Pot, then Coke, then after they discovered church, Nikes, Volvos, & Loafers and tried to act straight, they switched to pills. Abilify, Xanax, Zoloft, Wellbutrin, Valium, Oxycontin, etc etc ad nauseum...
I swear, everytime I hear some old POS complain about "restless leg syndrome" or "anxiety" or "Seasonal Affective Disorder" I want to write mandatory euthanasia legislation and hold the Senate hostage until it's passed.
They have essentially squandered their inheritance & sold out their country for a quick buck to the point where it's akin to Paris Hilton having to spend her Golden Years as a Walmart Greeter because she ran the family business straight into the schitter to pay for her coke habit and crotch rot meds.
Serves you all right.
So there.