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#607924 - 06/27/10 03:23 PM Re: Thanks Reptublicants [Re: ]
fish4brains Offline
Dah Rivah Stinkah Pink Mastah

Registered: 08/23/06
Posts: 6215
Loc: zipper
Originally Posted By: salmosalar

for any sox fans out there.

.......sun goes down.........crickets...........sun comes up.............
Propping up an obsolete fishing industry at the expense of sound fisheries management is irresponsible. -Sg

#607927 - 06/27/10 03:30 PM Re: Thanks Reptublicants [Re: ]

Getting in the way...........interesting point of view.

salmosalar.... I am really looking forward to your future reports on how YOU and your generation are progressing in making it all better.

Your generation help carry on the "voice for change" and elected the current Administration.

I am sure the "younger views" of the current Administration will solve all of the problems...including the massive debt incurred over the last 18 months.

BTW...... I am not blaming all of the country's problems on BO.

Politicians on both sides of the isle can raise their hands and take credit for their piece of the mess.

However simply lumping all people together based on age is as ridiculous as lumping all people together by any other "profiling" method.....

In addition, I am happy to have been able to pay into the unemployment system for all this years. I am sure it will be there if I ever need it....NOT

#607965 - 06/27/10 07:14 PM Re: Thanks Reptublicants [Re: ]
Salmonella Offline
Repeat Spawner

Registered: 11/29/04
Posts: 1340
I turn 50 in October.
Like Big Daddy, I have little debt.
Home & vehicles are paid for.
Worked full time since age 18, never collected a day of unemployment in my life.
I've had a paycheck waiting every Thursday since 1978.
If I succeed or fail in this life, it ain't the democrats or the republicans fault ...It is mine.
Work has always been priority one, it feeds and supports every other thing in my life.
My wife of 20 years sometimes gets frustrated that I won't call in sick or miss work days for certain family functions.
Responsibility and a strong work ethic was something my father tried to pound into me even he was a rather poor role model at times.

Being somewhat intelligent with my estate will hopefully give a nice jump start to my son when my wife & I die.
This home is not mine to refinance and play with, buying new toys & trips, it is the only financial legacy that I can give my son.
I can't afford to send him to fancy colleges, he's not that kind of kid anyway.
So if I can leave this world with a knowledge that my son will benefit down the road, I'd consider that rather comforting in these uncertain times.
I hope that he can hand down my gift to his children as well.
Debt makes you a wage slave, with heavy debt a person will never know freedom.
The debt crisis in this country is frightening for so many families, hopefully it won't kill this country as well.

#607972 - 06/27/10 07:54 PM Re: Thanks Reptublicants [Re: ]
Dave Vedder Offline
Reverend Tarpones

Registered: 10/09/02
Posts: 8379
Loc: West Duvall

Trying to ascribe any particular behavior or moral code to any large group is silly and intellectually lazy. It's a tendency often found in bigots, racists and others of diminished mental capacity. All blacks have rhythm. Jews are cheap. Italians are gangsters. Rubbish! My age group had heros, bums, fools, scholars and a lot of average Joes, just like my dad’s age group and yours. There are lots of silly things said here but your remark on the over 50 crowd is definitely in the top 10 percent. Maybe we should assume your age group is not too bright?

Edited by Dave Vedder (06/27/10 08:11 PM)
No huevos no pollo.

#607973 - 06/27/10 08:06 PM Re: Thanks Reptublicants [Re: Dave Vedder]


You have to type slower.....

Salmosalar may not be able to read that fast..... your age group a favor and shut the hell up.

Your embarrassing them.

I hope Obama gives you everything that you think you deserve.

However, I have to wonder if you could handle it...

On a side note....

salmosaler...did you go to college and if so was it at Evergreen or Western?

#607985 - 06/27/10 08:49 PM Re: Thanks Reptublicants [Re: ]

zip stir tree crack me up.....LOL

#608001 - 06/27/10 09:53 PM Re: Thanks Reptublicants [Re: ]

Originally Posted By: Kanektok Kid
.......................By 2025 Republicans will be talked about it the past tense, as of course will be Conservatives in general.

I'll most likely be dead and gone by then so what the hell do I care.....

Just as long as I make it long enough so the "Red Sox" guy has someone to scorn.....I'll be happy.............LOL

Go Repuli_crats.......

Originally Posted By: Kanektok Kid

Hey those over 50 types are stinkin' up the joint, didn't ya hear ?


Damn....your right....something does smell in here.

I wonder which one of us 50 and over types [censored] their pants?

Or could it be a 30 something with a steaming load of [censored] in their diaper....

Oh well....the dark side has been entertaining tonight.

#608011 - 06/27/10 10:19 PM Re: Thanks Reptublicants [Re: ]
RowVsWade Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 11/08/06
Posts: 3359
Loc: Island Time
Avid----I hope Obama sends mommy and daddy a check soon.
"...the pool hall I loved as a kid is now a 7-11..."

If you don't like our prices bring your wife down and we'll dicker.

#608018 - 06/27/10 10:31 PM Re: Thanks Reptublicants [Re: ]
Rivrguy Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/03/09
Posts: 4543
Loc: Somewhere on the planet,I hope
And the French, Belgians, Dutch, Italians, Greeks, Spanish, Portuguese ................... ah all of them as they are all in stages of trouble except Swedes and Germans. Take a look at the Russian model and see if that works, lot of oil money in the new Russia. Your going to be running out of role models soon, but wait China. It is propping up our national debt, supplying us with cheap goods that destroys manufacturing in the USA, AND is on the cutting edge of green technology. Just have to ignore those pesky coal fired power plants and we have the next great socialist utopia where everyone thinks like you. Just a little acre of paradise for ya.
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in

#608026 - 06/27/10 10:53 PM Re: Thanks Reptublicants [Re: ]

Originally Posted By: salmosalar
One thing about the over 50's, they are like wild steelhead, good biters.


Maybe your just a real good troll(er).....

Oh and thank you for "leading" us all into the future.

My old tired body will rest a lot easier tonight.............LOL

It's late......I got to take my Geritol and head to bed........God I hope I wake up in the morning..... tired sleep

#608041 - 06/28/10 12:32 AM Re: Thanks Reptublicants [Re: ]
Todd Offline
Dick Nipples

Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 27838
Loc: Seattle, Washington USA
Hanky, don't mistake the rise in "conservatives" as a rise in "Republicans"...the only group more disdainful of the Repugnicans than Progressives are actual Conservatives...and I'll take it one step further and say that if you consider yourself a "conservative" and vote for our current crop of Republicans, then that's about as smart as a bowl of ice cream voting to be protected by Rosie O'Donnell.

Fish on...


P.S. I'll be down in your neck of the woods the first week in September...let's have a meal?

Team Flying Super Ditch Pickle

#608069 - 06/28/10 08:28 AM Re: Thanks Reptublicants [Re: Todd]
Salmonella Offline
Repeat Spawner

Registered: 11/29/04
Posts: 1340
Very true indeed Todd.

I often ask myself, in this entire country is there ONE electable conservative that is well educated. articulate, doesn't jam religion down people's throat, has good environmental beliefs, strong on 2A, is fiscally conservative, and is a tad toward the center enough to attract disgruntled democrats without ugly skeletons in their closets?

Seems like the impossible dream.

#608070 - 06/28/10 08:36 AM Re: Thanks Reptublicants [Re: Salmonella]
BroodBuster Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 07/11/04
Posts: 3091
Loc: Bothell, Wa

This nation could sure use a Teddy Roosevelt!
"Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them." Ronald Reagan

"The trouble with Socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money." Margaret Thatcher.

"How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think." Adolf Hitler

#608071 - 06/28/10 08:52 AM Re: Thanks Reptublicants [Re: BroodBuster]
BroodBuster Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 07/11/04
Posts: 3091
Loc: Bothell, Wa
Some Teddy quotes-

"A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad."

A man who is good enough to shed his blood for the country is good enough to be given a square deal afterwards.

Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.

Every immigrant who comes here should be required within five years to learn English or leave the country.

And could you see one of today's Republicans say this........

It is essential that there should be organization of labor. This is an era of organization. Capital organizes and therefore labor must organize.

And one that speaks quite nicely to todays America...........

The things that will destroy America are prosperity-at-any-price, peace-at-any-price, safety-first instead of duty-first, the love of soft living, and the get-rich-quick theory of life.

and one just for KeyKey.................

The most practical kind of politics is the politics of decency.
"Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them." Ronald Reagan

"The trouble with Socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money." Margaret Thatcher.

"How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think." Adolf Hitler

#608089 - 06/28/10 11:34 AM Re: Thanks Reptublicants [Re: ]
Phoenix77 Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 10/04/06
Posts: 4025
Loc: Kent, WA
Sorry, I do not know from whom I am plagiarizing this anecdote:

A self-important college freshman walking along the beach took it upon himself to explain to a senior citizen resting on the steps why it was impossible for the older generation to understand his generation.

“You grew up in a different world, actually an almost primitive one” the student said loud enough for others to hear. “The young people of today grew up with television, jet planes, space travel, and man walking on the moon. We have nuclear energy, ships and cell phones, computers with light speed….and many more.”
After a brief silence, the senior citizen responded as follows: ‘You’re right son. [not in his politics] We didn’t have those things when we were young….so we invented them. Now! You arrogant little sh’t what are you doing for the next generation?
I fish, ergo, I am.

If you must burn our flag, Please! wrap yourself in it.
Puget Sound Anglers, So. King Co.
CCA SeaTac Chapter

I love my country but fear my government

#608090 - 06/28/10 11:48 AM Re: Thanks Reptublicants [Re: Todd]
StinkingWaters Offline
Repeat Spawner

Registered: 12/12/09
Posts: 1025
Loc: Termite Country
Originally Posted By: Todd
Hanky, don't mistake the rise in "conservatives" as a rise in "Republicans"...the only group more disdainful of the Repugnicans than Progressives are actual Conservatives...and I'll take it one step further and say that if you consider yourself a "conservative" and vote for our current crop of Republicans, then that's about as smart as a bowl of ice cream voting to be protected by Rosie O'Donnell.

Fish on...


P.S. I'll be down in your neck of the woods the first week in September...let's have a meal?

1000% correct Todd.

Something I've been trying to get across here for a while now,.....some don't listen all that well.
On a long enough timeline the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.

#608109 - 06/28/10 12:41 PM Re: Thanks Reptublicants [Re: StinkingWaters]
Rivrguy Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/03/09
Posts: 4543
Loc: Somewhere on the planet,I hope
Several years back a guy doing these work group things had a exercise he had all do.

1st up identify your party of choice ( had to pick one and it went about 60 / 40 D / R )

2ND went through a series of questions as to your beliefs on taxes, government, about the full spectrum.

3rd compared each of our results with present party positions.

All pretty normal so far except guess what. About 2/3 who said they were R's made choices that were pretty much Libertarian. About 2/3 of the D's ended being more closely aligned in thought to the Green Party. That was the purpose of it I guess. Our political system is designed to protect the present two major parties. Yet if people really voted there own beliefs neither of them could win a election.

Just so I walk the walk here I ended up being rather conservative in it. Which put me at the edges of being a Libertarian ( lost me on the military ) and the Green Party as my views on a citizens social responsibilities move me that way. That was a real shocker for me but it made sense, I guess but I never viewed myself as a Libertarian / Green. But what I find so unbelievably laughable is reading and listening the so called D & R folks rant about the two parties and how one is better than the other. Break the power of special interest ( business, labor, all the above ) feeding money to candidates AND require the budget be balanced ( except in a time of declared war ) so our elected officials can't buy OUR votes but rather have to make the tough decisions ................ would not that be something to see............. elected office holders that actually addressed problems with solutions that had to work.

The other thing the guy did was outline Senator X positions then had us identify what party we thought they came from and state. Now not to do a D&R thing but this one blew me away. Went like this, a New England R is more Liberal than a Southern D. A Midwest D is more conservative than a Florida R. The purpose of this was for us to understand the great diversity of thought and history in our nation AND HOW THE PRESENT TWO PARTIES HAVE PERVERTED IT. What a traditional conservative is ( Barry Goldwater ) or Libertarian ( Ron Paul ) and tradition Liberal is ( FDR ) are absolutely in conflict with the present two parties we have.
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in

#608117 - 06/28/10 01:31 PM Re: Thanks Reptublicants [Re: Rivrguy]
goharley Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 3188
Loc: U.S. Army
I think it was Newsweek that recently pointed out that not even Reagan would be considered a Reagan Republican today.
Tent makers for Christie, 2016.

#608453 - 06/30/10 04:19 AM Re: Thanks Reptublicants [Re: goharley]
Satan Offline
I love me

Registered: 08/22/06
Posts: 1821
Loc: Around the way
Not to hijack my own thread here but my folks are putting the house up on the market Tuesday. They are going to come out of it ahead I think. As for me I'm broke till friday. smirk

#608480 - 06/30/10 11:32 AM Re: Thanks Reptublicants [Re: Satan]
Steelheadman Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/15/99
Posts: 4166
Loc: Poulsbo, WA,USA
The working class always gets screwed by the Republicants. kneel
I'd Rather Be Fishing for Summer Steelhead!

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