Cut the defense budget in half, just for starters...end the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq...end the "War on Terrah", which, in most people's minds, will actually make us less likely to be involved in a terrorist attack than if we stay with it. The War on Terror is like the Drug War...does nothing to solve the problem, costs billions of dollars, and kills tens of thousands.
Don't renew the Bush tax cuts when they expire, and tell any asswipe who calls that a "raise in taxes" to go to hell.
Raise the eligibility age for Social Security. Sorry to those of you who are close to getting it, but at least you'll probably be getting some...I'm only 40 and have no expectation of ever getting any, so quit your whining.
Take all the owners of companies that have moved their "offices" to the Bahamas or the Caymans to avoid paying taxes and deport their asses...they do a hundred million times more damage to our economy than do illegal immigrants. Take away the loopholes that make it legal for them to be American companies doing business in America and avoiding billions and billions in taxes to America. They get all the benefits, and none of the obligations. Fukkem.
Those simple and easy fixes right there would stuff the federal coffers like nobody's business.
Fish on...
Team Flying Super Ditch Pickle