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#63341 - 07/11/01 11:30 PM What Is Pop Gear?
RipDatLip Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 04/23/01
Posts: 295
Loc: Battle Ground, WA
I have heard the term "pop gear" used about trolling. I did a quick search on the internet about this with no success. Guess I should have asked here first. So, what in the heck is it?
Fishing... Not just a sport, not just an obsession, just one strong INSTINCT.

#63342 - 07/12/01 01:20 AM Re: What Is Pop Gear?
Dogfish Offline
Poodle Smolt

Registered: 05/03/01
Posts: 10878
Loc: McCleary, WA
Popgear is another name for a gang troll. wink Now, what's a gang troll?

These pieces of equipment generally consist of a wire leader with two to six spinner blades of different sizes and assorted colored beads, usually red.

Some folks will finish it off with a simple snelled hook and worm, or add a weddingring spinner or even a dick nite spoon. These are also sometimes called ford fenders of double willow leafs depending upon the shape of the spinner blades.

If you have fished for kokanee,( I know, what's a kokanee), you have probably used one of these.

They are very good producers for trout, but some folks don't like them, like me, because they put a lot of pressure on your rod, and it gets in the way of fighting the fish.

I hope this helps, if not, someone else may be able to describe it in better detail.

(<--pole) --------0---0----0----0------0---J
"Give me the anger, fish! Give me the anger!"

They call me POODLE SMOLT!

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#63343 - 07/12/01 01:20 AM Re: What Is Pop Gear?
Matt Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 05/04/01
Posts: 98
Loc: Bellingham, Washington
Pop Gear, also known as Gang-Trolls, are a set of spinning blades connected to a wire (bad description) used for trout salmon, and all sorts of trolling. You tie on a lure or a spinner off of a leader and fish really seam to be attracted to them!! The only problem is that it is VERY heavy and can be harder fighting than the fish!
Ok there is a picture!
~Matt laugh
Tight Lines smile

#63344 - 07/12/01 06:13 AM Re: What Is Pop Gear?
Arklier Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 05/30/01
Posts: 400
They have lighter ones made out of mylar now, but I've never used one. I'm in the class that doesn't like them, because they're such a PITA. You need a really stiff rod to stand up to all the pressure the water puts on the blades, they get in the way of fighting the fish, and you have to keep up a pretty quick pace consistantly while trolling or else they sink and foul on the bottom. They're pretty much a magnet for weeds, too.

#63345 - 07/12/01 12:55 PM Re: What Is Pop Gear?
Zen Leecher aka Bill W Offline

Registered: 05/03/01
Posts: 972
Loc: Moses Lake
Pop gear is really cheap gear that makes popping noises when it breaks.
zen leecher

#63346 - 07/12/01 01:53 PM Re: What Is Pop Gear?
Old Man Offline

Registered: 05/02/01
Posts: 762
Loc: Silver Star,Mt
Isn't "pop gear" something old men use lol. eek
I forgot what I was supposed remember.

#63347 - 07/12/01 11:58 PM Re: What Is Pop Gear?
RipDatLip Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 04/23/01
Posts: 295
Loc: Battle Ground, WA
Thanks, for the post. smile I now know what that is. Okay, last question. rolleyes If most of you don't use pop gear then how do you fish deep for kokanee? confused
Fishing... Not just a sport, not just an obsession, just one strong INSTINCT.

#63348 - 07/13/01 01:29 AM Re: What Is Pop Gear?
Dogfish Offline
Poodle Smolt

Registered: 05/03/01
Posts: 10878
Loc: McCleary, WA
Downriggers are the most effective way of getting your lures down deep where the fish are. Some small clamp on models can be had for $40-60. Check,, or These are excellent tools for getting you offerings down to where the fish are. If you fish for salmon or have a larger boat, I might invest in a Penn or a larger Scotty downrigger if $100-200 isn't an issue. These will be more effective for all around fishing.

The beauty of a downrigger is the ability to place your lure or bait where the fish are, and after the fish hits, you only have the fish and your lure to deal with. No flasher or popgear gets in the way, so you feel the fish. I would much rather catch 5 pound silvers on a plug cut herring off of a downrigger, than catch them off of a flasher combo.

Use this in combination with an accurate fishfinder and you increase your odds of catching fish exponentially.

Some folks also use lead core line, but in crowded bumperboat situations, it can be difficult to troll with 100'+ feet of line trailing behind you. If the lake isn't crowded, go ahead.

Hope this helps. Andy
"Give me the anger, fish! Give me the anger!"

They call me POODLE SMOLT!

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#63349 - 07/13/01 01:50 PM Re: What Is Pop Gear?
FishnfellaS Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 06/17/01
Posts: 319
Loc: Grand Coulee,Wa. 99133
You're all washed up!!
Stanley (Pop) Gear was an old grey haired guy who fished the Sea/Tac area lakes back in the 40's & 50"s. He couldn't tie flies worth a damn and his hands were too shakey to thread a worm,so he invented gang trolls,which then became known by his name. He finally put a permanent set in all his bamboo rods from pulling metal,gave up fishing in 1958,and sold all his damaged rods in a yard sale.
If you can't go fishing today,
At least talk fishing!

#63350 - 07/13/01 02:46 PM Re: What Is Pop Gear?
Matt Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 05/04/01
Posts: 98
Loc: Bellingham, Washington
Hey! Doesn't anybody notice my little add down there hehe! I am the owner of a Washington Based kokanee fishing page, and to answer your question there are several ways you can get down deep, 1)Use a downrigger... this is the most popular way and is used by most anglers for DEEP controlled depth fishing 2)Use a diver such as a deep-6 Dipsy Diver or Jet Diver, but just remember to set the clips loose enough that a tiny koke or really small trout could trip it. 3)Use lead core line, this gets you down about 30 feet max. I use lead core a lot and it seems to work ok. 4) Tie on about a 3 ounce weight 30 or so inches up the line from your rig and just pull it out and count your pulls.....
Hope this helps, also, if you don't want to fight the weight of pop gear you can use a 3 or 4/0 dodger tied off to a wedding ring spinner tipped with WHITE SHOEPEG CORN(see the Fishing Techniques section for an illustration) and if thats STILL TOO HEAVY for ya you can use artaficials very well, I like Firetiger colored rapalas or small spoons such as Needlefish or Kokaneekillers.... Most of all once you locate a fish, circle back around and go through the EXACT SAME SPOT kokanee school and you will catch at least 2 usually from one spot!
Hope this is helpful!!
~Matt eek
Tight Lines smile

#63351 - 07/13/01 05:16 PM Re: What Is Pop Gear?
RipDatLip Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 04/23/01
Posts: 295
Loc: Battle Ground, WA
I'm am just trying to learn this stuff because I have never fished for kokanee before. I am hearing a lot of talk about it and would like to try it. The problem is that I don't have a boat and don't know where to fish for them. Maybe one of you could be kind enough to take me kokanee fishing for half a day or so. laugh
Fishing... Not just a sport, not just an obsession, just one strong INSTINCT.

#63352 - 07/17/01 01:38 PM Re: What Is Pop Gear?
Zen Leecher aka Bill W Offline

Registered: 05/03/01
Posts: 972
Loc: Moses Lake
I was gonna say that Stanley (Pop) Gear changed his name to Ron and moved over by Coulee Dam.... but Ron ties real nice looking flies. I like his bead bodied damsels.
zen leecher

#63353 - 07/17/01 01:52 PM Re: What Is Pop Gear?
Old Man Offline

Registered: 05/02/01
Posts: 762
Loc: Silver Star,Mt
He also ties some good looking scuds. Jim S. smile smile
I forgot what I was supposed remember.

#63354 - 07/17/01 02:49 PM Re: What Is Pop Gear?
FishnfellaS Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 06/17/01
Posts: 319
Loc: Grand Coulee,Wa. 99133
Hey Matt: I was up at Woods Lake near Kelowna BC. and also Bridge Lake near 100 mile house and the boys were talking about catching Kokanee with flies on conventional fly gear in the spring when they hold shallow.
This soulds like a blast on light fly gear.
Do you know of anywhere it has been done around here?
Do you know of any successful fly patterns??
I only got sketchy reports, but want to go up there earlier next year and try it.
Would be great if I could find somewhere down here that it works too.
If you can't go fishing today,
At least talk fishing!

#63355 - 07/17/01 03:49 PM Re: What Is Pop Gear?
Zen Leecher aka Bill W Offline

Registered: 05/03/01
Posts: 972
Loc: Moses Lake

Did you read Ian's write-up on fly fishing for kokanee? He figured they could catch them on flies as some BC lakes had so many fish that they turned to chronies as an additional food source. He was catching them on chronies and I think using indicators to boot.

P.S. Ron also does very attrative bead bodied silver-grey chronies.... a real master of his craft. Now..if he'd just learn to cast. frown
zen leecher

#63356 - 07/19/01 07:08 PM Re: What Is Pop Gear?
Matt Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 05/04/01
Posts: 98
Loc: Bellingham, Washington
hmm.... couln't tell ya... I've fished for a couple different things on a Fly rod but never have fished for kokes. My suggestions would be SMALL Egg Sucking leaches WITH VERY bright colors and probably some flash in the tail, or small colorful nymph or scud patterns... they are very touchy and it might be hard to do!! But a 14" koke on a fly rod sure would be fun!! Just remeber kokanee will also attack on aggresion not as an actual feeding pattern so bigger flies like BRIGHT leaches may unleash the agressive side of a koke! And also try bright colors like orange red and Fl. Green

Lemme know how things go if you try it!
Tight Lines smile

#63357 - 07/20/01 10:36 PM Re: What Is Pop Gear?
RipDatLip Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 04/23/01
Posts: 295
Loc: Battle Ground, WA
Well, no one took my offer to go fishing for kokanee. frown No big deal. Actually I have misc. parts laying around and I through some lures together. I dont know how most people build lures but these will work. I used 6lb test with some pink and glow beads with a copper blade. My next lure was with yellow beads and a firetiger blade. The third was with black beads and black sparkle blades. I rigged the okie not on all of the hooks. What are your opinions? I probably will end up catching a walleye or pike or something. smile
Fishing... Not just a sport, not just an obsession, just one strong INSTINCT.

#63358 - 07/20/01 10:53 PM Re: What Is Pop Gear?
Matt Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 05/04/01
Posts: 98
Loc: Bellingham, Washington
where are you planning to go? The spinners sound A.O.K! Exept the black one.. Kokanee bite usually on agression and will target brite colors.. I would suggest running them behind a 3 or 4/0 dodger and dont forget to tip the hooks with whit shoepeg corn!! I would take you but I am going on vacation wink.. Hope you do well... PLease send me a report at I will post it on my Kokanee web site
~Matt laugh
Tight Lines smile

#63359 - 07/21/01 01:10 AM Re: What Is Pop Gear?
RipDatLip Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 04/23/01
Posts: 295
Loc: Battle Ground, WA
Here's my situation. I don't have a boat. mad So I can't go fishing. mad So I am reduced to begging someone to take me out. I have all the appropriate gear, except boat and kokanee knowledge. Oh, and my grandfather has a depth finder. Want to go fishing bad, may have to try flyfishing in the spring. I have heard the yale, merwin, and riffe are producing good. This makes me want to fish even more. Hope we can work something out. laugh
Fishing... Not just a sport, not just an obsession, just one strong INSTINCT.

#63360 - 07/21/01 01:30 AM Re: What Is Pop Gear?
Matt Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 05/04/01
Posts: 98
Loc: Bellingham, Washington
I have gotten several reports for lake Merwin!! IT IS PRODUCING WELL!! Fish in the 14-16" range and daily limits for many anglers!!! Which is wonderful!! Have you tried looking for a guide service? Or shopping around for a cheap aluminum boat/outboard combo?? You don't need a massive boat to fish for um... and on the small allimies yu can clamp on those cheap Cannon Mini-Downriggers... Sorry to say I live far away from your area mad which sucks!
Tight Lines smile

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