I'm still stirring this pot and haven't given up like FF did. Might mean he has more sense than me.
I see a couple of you responded to the "unemployed, student or no occupation" part of my last post. Must be a case of one thinking "if the shoe fits".. then it must be mine syndrome.
Stifler, while I don't think every unemployed person is a slacker, I do think the reverse.. that slackers are generally unemployed. I also think they have certain personality profiles, a general don't care attitude and an affinity to offer negative or contrary opinions about most things in life. I can generally categorize slackers or people with negative and contrary opinions to certain age groups too.
No, I don't think my last post was personal. But I do think the responses from several of other posters was. Like the one who said "don't let kids grow up to be flyfisherman". That was kinda juvenile and probably most readers recognized it as such. .
To HPB and Chad from Microsoft who offered to come along on the next clean up. Guess we'll see you there. If Mike shows, then you'll be famous and in pictures. Mike had a digital camera along the last time and shot pix of who was there and the amount of trash we gathered.
So, any others out there that thinks this shoe fits and want to try it on, or is it time for this thread to die.
It originally started because of some razzing I was getting from a March opener power bait trip I made. I declined on a trip with a bunch of my fly fishing buddies who went to a neighboring lake.
yours in fishing,
zen leecher