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#65372 - 03/23/02 01:32 PM F&G Fishfry....Part 3
FishnfellaS Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 06/17/01
Posts: 319
Loc: Grand Coulee,Wa. 99133
Geez, another one....Jerk,Jerk,reel,reel.....OH, you're gonna love this one....
It's huge.

Fish #3 The Big, Fat, Stupid, Trout Award.
Goes to the Dept. employee who developed the "Triploids Net pen fed to about a
Pound at great expense of taxpayer money and dumped into Catch and Kill
Lakes to satisfy the fishhog apetite, where they are all caught and BBQ'd
within a couple months Program."
Here we have an expensive marvel of Science capable of avoiding sex and living
therefore up to 8 years and possibly growing to #25-30 in the right water.
That is ONLY ifn' it's not jerked out and ate.
These fish SHOULD go where they have a reasonable potential to develope to
their intended potential and provide lotsa......SPORT!
They should not be used to plicate the meathogs desire for bigger slabs of BBQ meat.

There got me three nice ones, but the limits 5, sooooooo, more to come.
Back into the water.
If you can't go fishing today,
At least talk fishing!

#65373 - 03/23/02 01:55 PM Re: F&G Fishfry....Part 3
Banock Offline

Registered: 11/24/01
Posts: 59
Loc: Oakville, Wa.
You must really be bored, to try to stir the pot this much. The only comment that I have is: if you were to cause this much trouble on the web site that I manage, you would be banned. As fishers, we need to work together, not try to split everyone, UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL.
Tight Lines

#65374 - 03/23/02 02:48 PM Re: F&G Fishfry....Part 3
FishnfellaS Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 06/17/01
Posts: 319
Loc: Grand Coulee,Wa. 99133
Sorry you think that way Bannock. I believe already fallen and "Sticking Together"
does nothing at all.
F&G management in the State of Washington is a Political Football and it should be for
the preservation of the waters and their ecology and productivity.
And If I had enough energy to have a website, I'd ban you from mine too.
Think outside the box once in a while.
If you can't go fishing today,
At least talk fishing!

#65375 - 03/23/02 08:00 PM Re: F&G Fishfry....Part 3
Edfireball Offline
Eyed Egg

Registered: 03/20/02
Posts: 7
Loc: Oakville, WA
Think outside the box? Good on Fishnfella!!! But occasionally, we should step back and follow our own advice. Lets all realize we are different and enjoy doing things differently. I don't think I have read a comment yet that has condemned flyfishermen, but I have read many that condemned baitfishermen. Hmmmmm...could that mean that baitfishermen are more tolerant? Or maybe we just realize that "To Each His Own".
Enjoy outdoors

#65376 - 03/23/02 08:55 PM Re: F&G Fishfry....Part 3
FishnfellaS Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 06/17/01
Posts: 319
Loc: Grand Coulee,Wa. 99133
Naw, means that baitfishermen got their mouths full of triploid
trout all the time and can't therefore criticize. Seriously,
the high ground here is Resource Conservation and than's hard
to criticize. So's the PROPER use of triploids, which is the point of this
post not criticism of baitfishing.
If you can't go fishing today,
At least talk fishing!

#65377 - 03/23/02 08:56 PM Re: F&G Fishfry....Part 3
PhishPhreak Offline
Repeat Spawner

Registered: 06/19/01
Posts: 1066
Loc: North Bend, WA
I think the triploid planting has been an incredibly successful program. If the goal is to increase liscence sales and pump up the sporting good industry by providing Washington state sportsman with a chance to catch more and larger fish, than I think they nailed it on the head. A sprinkling of broodstock, steelhead, and coho dumped into some lakes is pretty cool as well!

Think of it this way - by selling more liscenses, the department has more money available to put into creating and/or maintaining the selective rules and fly fishing only waters.

Now you may think that if every lake was c&r with 10 to 15lb fish, that this would also increase liscense sales. The only problem is that most of the public is not interested in C&R of HATCHERY trout. They want to go spend quality time with their families and catch a stringer full of fish for the frying pan. Is there anything wrong with that? Maybe to you, but fortunately, you're not in charge (:

Having options is what is important to me. I love the chance to C&R wild trout - wether in a lake, stream, or even in the sound. I love the opportunity to catch a few fish for dinner once in a while too - so I'm glad I can go to a lake full of stockers that have been placed there for just such an occassion. Or, when I find an alpine like choked with stunted brookies, I like to do my part to thin it out a little bit - and take in a little extra protein while I'm at it.

So what is your point? So far, all i've been hearing is selfish ambition. This 'do things my way, or your stupid' attitude is getting really childish.

#65378 - 03/23/02 09:04 PM Re: F&G Fishfry....Part 3
PhishPhreak Offline
Repeat Spawner

Registered: 06/19/01
Posts: 1066
Loc: North Bend, WA
by the way - you concerns about triploid usage are totally contradictory to your typical conservation stance. Have you ever seen a 20lb triploid? Fat ugly sons of guns! If you want to start an arguement that makes any sense, focus on improving wild trout stocks and claiming back some pristine waters that can be managed for wild/quality fish. (big genetically freaked out fish don't equal quality or conservation).

#65379 - 03/23/02 09:50 PM Re: F&G Fishfry....Part 3
Edfireball Offline
Eyed Egg

Registered: 03/20/02
Posts: 7
Loc: Oakville, WA
Fishnfella, I hope that when I get your age I don't end up as simple and closed-minded as you seem to present yourself. We (baitfishermen) do not take pride in condemning someones elses point of view. I personally do not have a problem with the fact that you flyfish. I, someday, will probably decide that it may be the option for me. If and when I do, I will not criticize the fact that others are fishing the way that I started years ago. I feel pity for you and all that are around you. It is a shame that you cannot find enough enjoyment in your life to fulfill the void that has been left by not fishing with bait. May you someday be courteous and respectful towards others.
Enjoy outdoors

#65380 - 03/23/02 10:36 PM Re: F&G Fishfry....Part 3
Old Man Offline

Registered: 05/02/01
Posts: 762
Loc: Silver Star,Mt
Why does everybody get so up tight over his ramblings. I think he's funny. We all need a good laugh now and then.
He's probly tired of tying flies and now he wants to vent.
I for one enjoy his posts,but what do I know I'm just an old man. laugh laugh Jim S.
I forgot what I was supposed remember.

#65381 - 03/24/02 04:07 AM Re: F&G Fishfry....Part 3

Registered: 12/03/01
Posts: 851
Loc: manchester,Wa
I'm with you old man, I rather enjoy reading his posts, that would be a good idea to have catch and release on some bigger lakes that can produce those big fish, have a 18 inch limit or something. Ben

#65382 - 03/24/02 06:56 PM Re: F&G Fishfry....Part 3
FishnfellaS Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 06/17/01
Posts: 319
Loc: Grand Coulee,Wa. 99133
They get up tight Jim because it strikes home and they don't want to face it.
Denial and Rationalizations. Triploids are WASTED on catch and kill lakes. Now
if you want broodstock of any type that's OK, when their use is over.
No one has proven the triploid program increases liscense sales and even if so
is their data proving it's cost effective. I personally feel it's a WASTE of the fish's
potential and wrong. What the hell, you can do the same thing with the Jumbo
Program if ya want to waste money. Why use expensive genetically engineered

I think we all agree there is more need for bigger fish than the 8" planter for baiters
to fish. Those are inadequate little whimps. How to get em cost effectively.
One way......Hesitate to mention it till I get my body armor on. CLOSE LAKES.
YUP, close 1/2 your powerbait lakes every year and let the damn lake grow ya
bigger trout. You greedy guys got 99% of all the lakes in the state anyhow.
Course the above suggestion assumes all you hardheads is too set in your
ways to take up flyfishing and enjoy some C&R SPORT.
If you can't go fishing today,
At least talk fishing!

#65383 - 03/24/02 11:22 PM Re: F&G Fishfry....Part 3
Edfireball Offline
Eyed Egg

Registered: 03/20/02
Posts: 7
Loc: Oakville, WA
I don't have a problem with closing some of the lakes, if that's what it takes. I am even game to shutting down the rivers for a year or two ,AS LONG AS THE NETS GO TOO, in order to bring our salmon and steelhead runs back. Although, this would probably put WDFW under. I don't think there would be any license sales.

I guess you assume that all the "baitfishers" are against conservation. We are not. We just don't appreciate being beat up and labeled with that you have pasted on us.
Enjoy outdoors

#65384 - 03/25/02 08:42 PM Re: F&G Fishfry....Part 3
FishnfellaS Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 06/17/01
Posts: 319
Loc: Grand Coulee,Wa. 99133
Hey Fireball, your post is self contradicting itself to death.
You baiters are For Conservation???? Tell me HOW you're for it and exactly WHAT
you're doing to conserve fish resources and keep the waters clean.
FACT: You cannot release fish safely without killing most using bait.
So how the hell are ya conserving.
FACT: I go to Quality Lakes and there is little or no garbage on the shore.
I've actually seen guys ask other fishermen to bring an ashtrey and
not throw butts in the lake next time.
Poachers do not stand a chance at our lakes. we carry mobile phones now

I go to powerbait lakes and the whole shore that's accessable is trashed.
I see dozens of acts of poor sportsmanship and gamehogging and litterbugging
I've never seen anyone ask anyone else to behave.
Usually several boom boxes are blaring and frequently there are drunk guys mouthing off
I see frequent fish law violations like grading, taking double limits, powwerbait C&R Etc.
I see beer cans and butts and misc plastic garbage all over the water.

Sure I know you're all not bad guys. But don't give me any garbage about what great conservationists you all are untill you switch to fishing a way that allows you to not kill fish
and learn to police yourselves and somma the other violators among you like we do.
If you can't go fishing today,
At least talk fishing!

#65385 - 03/25/02 11:06 PM Re: F&G Fishfry....Part 3
Mike C Offline

Registered: 04/05/01
Posts: 1373
Loc: Redmond
I think I need to step into the fray here, try to do the impossible - don't take a stand for any particular group on this forum.
Lets see, how does it go? Don't condemn the many for the actions of a few. Or something like that. FishnfellaS, are you putting as much energy into writing the powers that be as you are in posting on this site? I'd hate to be a fisheries official and come under your fire. rolleyes
I'd really like us to take a step back and allow each other the consideration that maybe just because a fellow angler doesn't use the same technics as we use, that doesn't make them evil incarnate. Because you know what? As far as the PETA crowd is concerned we're all the enemy - including the catch and release anglers. Heck, the catch and release anglers spend their day torturing fish just so they can release it and do it all over again. In their eyes your method of "sport fishing" is even worse than catch and keep because at least catch and keep honor the fish by eating it. Catch and Release fishermen just need to stoke their egos by hurting defenseless fish that are only taking the fly after having their feeding instinct fooled. Is that really any different than being fooled by power bait? I doubt it.
Bait fishermen that fish within the rules as set forth by WDFW are fine by me. Fly fishermen who fish within the rules as written by WDFW are fine by me. Anglers who fish within the rules of WDFW are fine by me. People who litter and waste resources are not. Whether they are bait or non-bait, PETA or anyone else. I would never consider condeming one group of people based on the actions of some. And if you think that is OK, then again I say to you, PETA is waiting in the wings, and there goal is to take away ALL our fishing rights. Including catch and release (or as they would call it, "torture and abuse").
Mike, Editor "Featuring readers lake and saltwater reports."

#65386 - 03/26/02 12:21 AM Re: F&G Fishfry....Part 3
BASSER Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 05/02/01
Posts: 246
Loc: Tacoma Wa,
Hello all,
Is it spring yet. laugh
I myself am a member of PETA well sorta it's the redneck's PETA (people eating tasty animals)
Save a sportsman eat a peta wink
Home Of The Free Because Of The Brave
Eat The Small Free The Large

#65387 - 03/26/02 12:44 AM Re: F&G Fishfry....Part 3
MCougar Offline
Eyed Egg

Registered: 03/14/02
Posts: 5
Loc: Puyallup, WA
very well said Mike
I think you put it into perspective.
Im new and dont want to make any enemies
but hell I have seen a few hungry trout swallow a
fly ,but then maybe I was doing it wrong?
I think im hooked on this board, alot of great reading and seems to be quite a few fishing fanatics that really care about their sport.

FF you make it sound like you never keep a fish to eat is this true? (dont wanna a battle just curious)

#65388 - 03/26/02 01:01 AM Re: F&G Fishfry....Part 3
PhishPhreak Offline
Repeat Spawner

Registered: 06/19/01
Posts: 1066
Loc: North Bend, WA
Thanks Mike. You summed it up very well.

I'd also like to point out that to practice true conservation, we'd need to shut down all hatcheries and if we allowed c&r fishing at all, it would only be on those few waters that actually support wild, reproducing trout. Most of our lakes from alpine to lowland would be barren of trout in a few years - even with c&r. Just look how often they stock rocky ford and the other c&r lakes. How long do you think Lahottonan (sp) cutthrout would last in this state without stocking now and then? Most of these fish are not native to this area. Hatchery fish are put in our waters to provide us with sport. If you want to argue for wild fish and habitat, go for it. But stop pretending that hatchery fish are something other than a resource to be used as the state sees fit. Sounds like the term 'fish hog' goes both ways....

#65389 - 03/26/02 11:34 AM Re: F&G Fishfry....Part 3
Old Man Offline

Registered: 05/02/01
Posts: 762
Loc: Silver Star,Mt
I think that I finelly get it. Don't do C&R because it tortures the fish. But it's all right to use power bait to catch fish as long as they are legal size. If you release a fish that you caught with power bait and that fish was under the legal limit you,by law couldn't keep it. But From what I have gathered from this thread is that power bait kills fish.
So do you keep the first five fish you catch with powe bait or do you release them until you are satisfied that you have a big enough limit.
Besides most people that use power bait don't have control of their lines. They use that stuff so they can sit there and B/S with each other. I know because I used to do the same.
Also when you use that stuff they recommend that you use a small treble hook. Which most people do so they can deep hook the fish and then rip it's guts out so they can throw it back because it wasn't big enough.
I guess that I'm just one of the few that like to torture the fish over and over again.
I am done venting now. Just an angry old man. mad mad
I forgot what I was supposed remember.

#65390 - 03/26/02 12:31 PM Re: F&G Fishfry....Part 3
Zen Leecher aka Bill W Offline

Registered: 05/03/01
Posts: 972
Loc: Moses Lake
Yep, Jim, I think you finally got it.

Also remember to leave your empty plastic drink bottles where you were fishing as it marks a good spot for other fishermen. That way they don't have to scout out their own spots.

And... worm containers, empty hook packages are also useful as it leaves a message on what bait and which size hooks worked best. I'll let someone else pass on the tip about discarded monofilament line.
zen leecher

#65391 - 03/26/02 01:23 PM Re: F&G Fishfry....Part 3
PhishPhreak Offline
Repeat Spawner

Registered: 06/19/01
Posts: 1066
Loc: North Bend, WA
Hello - anyone in there??

Most (at least many) of us on this board think selective rules (no bait / single barbless) C&R is awesome and practice it most of the time.

And all of us would agree that 'grading', is not only illegal, but not ethical. If bait is used, then any fish caught is kept - trebble or single hook. When fishing almost all of our lakes, there is no minimum size rule - so anyone fishing these lakes who releases a trout that was caught using bait is scum and should be reported.

Stream fishing is a whole different story. While there are a few rivers that are stocked for put-and-take, most are either wild trout, or even salmon/steelhead smolt. In my opinion, bait should not be used when dealing with wild trout and smolts(but would be OK in the put-and-take rivers).
And many salmon/steelheaders get p/o'd at all the 'trout' flyfisherman who come out to the rivers after the june 1 opener with their light weight fly rods to 'play' with some small 'trout'. When 99% of the catch are really just smolts that should be left alone. Also, flyfisherman are often looked down on for often wading accross reds.

The point Mike and others are trying to make is that there is a time and place for each type of fishing. We all have somethings to lean about being careful with our resources and being accoutable for our actions. Unfortunately, there are many slobs out there who could really care less and make things diffucult for the rest of us. We should be working together to address the specific problems with specific individuals and stop the name calling and finger pointing.
If we as fisherman can't come to common ground, then the sport as a whole will only head down hill. Between groups like PETA and the non-fishing public majority, we have a real battle to fight.

So if you don't like hanging around bait chuckers - don't. If you think fly fisherman tend to be snobs - stay away. We each have places to go and enjoy our sport the way we like. Stop the whining. It's a choice, and I'm glad I have the freedom to make it. Now let's stop beating up this poor dead horse and get out there and enjoy ourselves!!

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