Hey thought I saw my line tighten......Jeeeeerk, swisssssh.....Oops jerked that
little guy clean over my head and into the sagebrush.

Fish #3 The Longest Lasting Bad Idea Award.
To the F&G staffer who thought up that" split season" on Jameson Lake. You oughta
be chained to a tree out there for a week and forced to see the crap that goes on in the fall!!!

This is THEEE Place for Powerbaiters in training to come and learn the sport of
Jerking out 6-7" next years fry plant with WalMart Fiberglass Spinning Rods stiff
as Broom Handles. Additional training includes development of the concept of
"Morning limit" , "Afternoon limit" and "Ate my limit so it's time for another
limit". What the hell, the fish are small and there's oodles of em. Besides F&G
will put a ton more in next year.
Lotsa grading goes on here too, since there's some big ones left ya might be
able to get if you grade through enuff little guys.FUN,FUN,FUN!

Get smart guys and convert this atroticty to barbless hook lures and flies and C&R only.
Or Close the Damn thang completely.

If you can't go fishing today,
At least talk fishing!