I've fished for trout alot on my DR. Usually a hotshot or flatfish worked well. Spinners or lures of any kind will work well on the DR for trout. What doesn't work good and can turn into a hassle really quickly is the standard wedring setup or whenever you use a worm. Unless the fish are willing to gulp the whole worm or hook, then your looking at alot of missed hits and alot of rebaiting.
I thought the same thing, that it would work really good but i soon realized i was cranking up the DR everytime i got a bite because the fish would strip it or peck it off. Soon i developed Downrigger Elbow.
So the mind game starts with every bite, wondering if the worm is still there. Not fun. SO try maggots with #8 hook or smaller on your popgear setups. They stay on bite after bite after bite and the trout luv em. Use them with your worm if you like. Another thing is use micro popgear. It's 3 bladed and easy as hell to pull through water and works better than the big Ford Fenders or Cow Bells types. Yes, why fight your gear? I've also tried setting the line in the clip lightly enough for them to just take it and run, but that rarely happened. Good Theory though. I think cause they hit it at a given speed and then peck it out of the clip and the lure or spinner kinda stalls untill enough slack catches up and it returns to speed but the fish have usually moved on after this stall in speed. Not always though. Just my experience.
When i went to Lake Washington with wedrings on the DR it sucked. We got massively huge hits over and over but managed to only hook one. When we did, the cutthroat spazzed out so much we never got it to the boat. We also burried the line in the clip deep enough so the fish would hook itself on that last Cutt. Then we switched to lures and only lost 1 of the next 5 strikes. Sometimes you just run into a bunch of peckers, not fun on the DR. So maggot tipped lures fixed the peckers and kept them happy at the same time. Experiment and you'll see what works and what just a hassle. (i write too much)