The old "hook wars" threads were entertaining...
I kind of like the ones that come up twice a year, and play out exactly like they did the last time, every time...
Release wild steelhead...the Injuns are gonna get 'em anyway, don't play with your food, don't schit where you eat, don't tell me what to do, you're a snagger, you're an elitist...lock.'s legit, you're a snagger, you're an elitist, you're an asshole, I'm gonna punch you, I'm gonna punch you first, and second...lock.
Glass or Aluminum? Willie, simply the best, Simply the Most Hyped, you don't know how to row...YOU don't know how to row...aluminum is more durable...don't run into rocks, dumschit...lock.
Nice pic! Why's that fish out of the water? It doesn't hurt it. The law says keep it in the water. What are you a cop? You make us all look bad. If you care about them so much, you should give up fishing...lock.
Fishing report. Great report! Thanks for telling everyone about it. What's your problem? I'm a local. Bigfuckinwhoop. You are not a local, you who say you are...I am. Can't we all just enjoy the pic? Now everyone will be there. No one will be there who doesn't already know about it. I never heard of it, but I'll be there now! You won't catch any, suck. No, you suck...lock.
I hate sleds! I love sleds, but I hate you! I hate you more, you ruin the river. It's my river, too. No it's not, it's the fish's river. Sleds don't hurt fish. The hell they don't. You're an elitist. You're an asshole...lock.
Hatchery fish rule! Wild fish rule! Lock.
Anyone bass fishing? Shut up. Lock.
Are you retarded? No, but your mom is. Your mom is, she told me. Yeah? Yeah! Lock.
Republicans are retarded. Yes, they are. No need to lock this one

Fish on...