I, for one, appreciate living vicariously through Mr. Vedder's adventures. The places he has been and the flavor of the experience he shares is seed for dreams of my own. Will I ever make ONE of his trips a reality? Probably; more than one... doubtful. Knowing there is more out there is a gift.
Now if I could just figure a way to keep my f'n coffee hot. Gddamit.
I second this (+1 ???). Living in Alberta, Canada, I have to work 51 weeks out of the year to get the opportunity to travel 16 hours each way for 1 week of salmon fishing. I read many of the posts on this forum, just to get me through the long drought. I get twitchy around January, waiting for that late July week of paradise. And I am strictly a catch and release guy. I am in it for the love of the sport. I respect these creatures as true wonders of nature.
So I am also working hard for the hopes that some day, I too will be in a position to fulfill dreams of many fishing opportunities. SOME DAY, I will be in a position to hopefully walk down to the river and fish or maybe I will have to travel, but there will be many days of fishing for me in times to come. For now, I cherish my 1 week each year and am extremely thankful I have it. My family is very understanding...
So thank you Dave, for your many posts. You have provided me with wisdom, expertise, and most importantly, inspiration that there are so many wonders out there for us to experience. My time is coming!!!
BTW... I like your dog. I miss my lab