Dylan hit it right on pretty much as he got past the R & D crap to the heart of things ............ both parties are bought and paid for.
As to the demonstrations and the comments, go back and pick up the thread on the Tea Party and find ole Toder's post and names he called them. Then back here for the more conservative climb on the Lib version of the TP. Sometimes this BB is to funny to be true. Watch the Dylan rant and get the point, TP or WS folks working folks conservative or liberal have had it. It is not a R vs D or conservative vs liberal thing
IT IS THE START OF THE PEOPLE VS THE GOVERNMENT THING. It started in the 60's with civil rights and anti war movement then we all said lets go play for 40 years ............ not a good idea. Time to finish the job, get our kids home, get government out of and off of business, get our tax structure reformed so all pay and businesses can compete abroad, AND QUITE PAYING THE WORLDS BILLS. Get a health care that works and is PAID FOR not this piece of crap that guy we call president and congress passed. Reform Entitlements and get rid of do nothing programs ( GAO identified 100 B of them ) and stop congress from continuing to steal Social Security money then bitch when the bills come due.
AND 100% public funded elections at federal, state, & local level and send both the D & R parties to the dust bin of history! Rant over

Come the revolution.....................