So, since it's been interspersed around a few other threads, I thought I'd get it going on its own thread...
Herman Cain.
Busted? Who busted him? Was it Romney? Is it the Vast Left Wing Conspiracy? The women he allegedly harrassed? Himself, inadvertantly?
Here's a post I put on a different thread when asked for my opinion about it...
Hard to say, I haven't heard much in the way of facts...just this timeline, I guess...
From Cain's own mouth (paraphrasing what I've heard him say the last few days):
1. I have no idea what anyone is talking about.
2. There was no settlement.
3. I never heard of any settlement.
4. There might have been a settlement, but I'm not sure.
5. The settlement was for 3 months pay.
6. It wasn't a "settlement" was an agreement.
7. I didn't sign the "agreement".
8. I don't think I signed the "agreement", but if I did, I don't remember.
If it follows as easily as it has been, #9 will the production of the "agreement", with his signature on it.
#10 will be "I signed it, but I don't remember doing so"...
#11 will be someone that he told two years ago about signing it.
#12 will be "Apparently I remembered signing it when I told that person two years ago, but I don't remember telling them, or signing it."
#13 will be another person who he told about signing it, only this one was last year.
Interspersed throughout all of this will be the accusations of "left wing slander", "virtual lynching", "witch hunt", and whatever else Cain or the right wing pundits (and their sycophants here and elsewhere) can come up with...which will make it really hard when they can't actually find any left wingers who are talking about it nearly so much as Cain's fellow GOP hopefuls, who will be the ones talking about it on a daily basis.
That's already started...and it will only get worse.
Like I said above, whether or not he actually sexually harrassed anyone will rapidly become irrelevant, even if the fact he feels the need to continually lie about every aspect of it makes it more and more likely that he did indeed harrass those two women...the most relevant part will be that he continues to lie about it.
Fish on...
P.S. Wait for Cain's firm stance on "this race is not about race" to change, probably 180 degrees, as he blames racism for his lying and his probably sexual harrassment of those two women. spite of having said he had no knowledge whatsoever about any allegations or settlement, Cain himself said that he told his staff about it in 2003, but that the claims were "baseless".
Apparently he forgot telling his staff that, too.
Now his campaign manager tells FoxNews that the Perry campaign did it...
"The actions of the Perry campaign are despicable," Mark Block told Fox News in an interview. "Rick Perry and his campaign owe Herman Cain and his family an apology."
...which wouldn't surprise me, but I hope he has more than just his smoking cigarette and a big mouth to back up the accusation. If Perry didn't do it, he should ask Cain at the next debate why he thinks he did, and what evidence he has for that claim, and that if he has good evidence about it, he'll apologize right there in front of the country for it...making Cain look like even more of an ass than he did when he hoped that China wouldn't develop nuclear capabilities (said capabilities, of course, were developed in the 60's).
Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity, two people with no knowledge of anything at all, really, but especially not about anything involved in this issue, blame it on Obama.
No surprise there, since Coulter would blame sunspots and the Rangers' loss in the World Series on Obama as a Muslim Kenyan Socialist Plot, too...because she is that stupid...or more to the point, she is that crazy and her listeners are that stupid.
So what's the worse thing in this case?
That he did sexually harrass those women?
That he's obviously lying about it, which is not evidence that he did it, but it makes him look even more stupid than usual, which takes some doing?
Does it even matter?
He and Perry both have used the phrase "intellectual question" when asked about things they clearly don't understand or have knowledge of, somehow finding strength in their lack of understanding and knowledge of basic facts, basic facts that those "intellectual elites" know, and since they claim to be against the elites, it follows that they are against facts and other inconvenient are many, if not most of their followers...will their followers mind if he harrassed the women? Will they mind that he lied about it? Will they mind that he's not qualified to be on the city council of some tiny podunk town in West Virginia, much less a national politician?
My thoughts...
It doesn't matter much, really, because the non-reality based part of the electorate (those who tend to vote for Republicans), if they like Cain, will like him in spite of any and all evidence against long as he himself doesn't cop to it. They'll believe any story of conspiracy, and possible reason for those Feminazi Women to make up such a story, and will even swallow the idea that it is a Liberal Plot that forced the Restaurant Association to pay out tens of thousands of dollars to bury his bad behavior.
Why? Because that's the kind of stuff they like to believe.
In the long run, I think it's academic...there's no way in hell Cain was going to get the nomination before this, and he sure as hell isn't going to get it now.
There will be another Republican hopeful or two that will shoot to the top just like Bachmann, Perry, and now Cain have, and in the end they'll fall back, like they did, and Romney will be the only one standing at the end.
They want anyone...anyone...other than Romney. He's a flip flopping Cultist pseudo-conservative. Unfortunately all of his Republican opponents are fruitcakes...serious fruitcakes...and as soon as any of them get "to the top", they go ahead and show it, and back down to obscurity they go.
The only exception might be Huntsman, and though he's not fruitcake enough to get toppled if he made it to the top, unfortunately for him he's not fruitcake enough to ever make it there, either.
Sound weird? Yeah, well that's Republican politics for you in the TeaDoucheBaggery world that Republicans live in.
Anyway...thoughs about Cain?
Fish on...
P.S. And just for kicks and grins...while I was typing this and listening to the news, apparently a third woman is alleging that she was sexually harrassed by Cain, too.
The plot thickens.