I found this layout duck hunting boat on Craigslist in Anacortes. I've seen it listed a couple of times. I emailed the guy to see if he had any offers on it yet as the ad says O.B.O. While I was waiting for a response I decided to Google the boat specs and info. While Googling I came across the same exact boat, same ad (almost ver batim), same photos on a classified section of a duck hunting chat forum, only this ad is a year old and says the boat is located in Rutland, Vermont for $100 less and "listed for a friend".
This is the Craigslist Ad:
Craigslist Ad And this is the ad from the classified forum:
Classified Forum And here is a copy of my email to him and his response to me:
I have 2 people that will look at the boat in the next few days.
Yes, there are spud pockets in the boat, as stated in the ad.
No blind and oars are negotiable. Don’t bother if you would
like to low ball it – that won’t happen.
From: whitor@msn.com [mailto:whitor@msn.com]
Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2011 9:48 AM
To: sale-df3mm-2717524177@craigslist.org
Subject: Waterfowl Outlaw Ducker duck boat (Anacortes) $750
Hi, have you had any offers on this yet? I've seen it listed for awhile. Does it come with a blind? Oars? And, what are spud pole sockets? Appreciate your time, thanks Shane.
http://skagit.craigslist.org/boa/2717524177.html Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4GLTE Phone