Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 27838
Loc: Seattle, Washington USA
Illy, I think you need to trot on back to some website where they actually think your one sentence responses are clever, rather than the empty and idiotic "observations" that they are.
Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 27838
Loc: Seattle, Washington USA
P.S. The only "war on Christianity" I see is the one waged by so-called Christians every day, who fail to show virtually any semblance of Christ-like or Christian behavior.
Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 27838
Loc: Seattle, Washington USA
Right wing fundamentalist fruitcakes have determined that the best way to get their way is to be the most hate filled and belligerent selves as they always have been, but when someone complains about it or tries to stop it, that's when they trot out the "tolerance", "compassion" and other bullschit that they have none of themselves.
Tolerance does not including tolerating hateful bigots.
Tis regrettable that all the hate and discontent is constantly aired, rather than a bit of honest common ground seeking. Hell used to be Republicans and Democrats and their subdivisions were, first of all, Americans and proud of it. Now we got lots more folks with loyanty to this and that wing, Dems. Libs, Republicns, Independents and conservatives etc ad nauseaum. The country is fragmented. Who is responsible? I can hear the denials and accusations already. Along with the trash mouths. England has the same problem with lots of folks more loyal to their political classification than England. Their history from the time of the Boer Wars on is a classic example of party over country. We'll be there soon. Sad
Todd I am sorry that I don't use enough foul language to make my posts more intellegible to you. Guess that goes for Aunty Moo too. However, if gratuitous foul language is what it takes to sound literate and witty, I guess I will just have to limp along.
Lol That was a pretty good witticism odd. AND no foul language for a change. Perhaps I convict you prematurely. Naw, for a man that has all that background you are still fos.
Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 27838
Loc: Seattle, Washington USA
Real men don't need to bash gays to feel like real men...and real candidates don't have to resort to acting like foolish children so that they can the foolish children to vote for them.
Perry is a fool, but less foolish than those who would vote for him.
Seems to work the same for both parties. Pander to the group or groups that are likely to vote for you and if you win the office do what the BIG money contributors,who donate to both sides, want. The system is broken.
Just read in this morning's paper that Ron Paul, who won't be elected, nonetheless would immediately eliminate 5 federal departments as his first step in government downsizing. That almost sounds appealing to non-thinkers. The 5 are: Energy, Commerce, Interior, Education, and HUD (Housing and Urban Development). So immediately there would be no FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission), BPA, TVA; no Census Bureau, NOAA (Weather Service, Ocean Service, NMFS, NIST, and others; Park Service, US Fish and Wildlife, Bureau of Reclamation, BIA. There are other agencies, but I couldn't think of them without looking them up. Anyway, that's what Ron Paul says he would do, and also put the US back on the gold standard.
Anyway, I began thinking about what some of these agencies do, and the economic and functional chaos that would ensue with immediate, not gradual phasing out, elimination. The upshot is that even when politicians tell us things they would do, it seems like they only make good soundbites for the uninformed.