So, here's the quote from the President:
What does this really mean?
"Everybody should have a fair chance and everybody should do their fair share"
Pretty simple and straightforward...
Here's your interpretation:
Short version
fair chance--- people will no longer have to use education and hard work to progress up through the "classes".
fair share--- Those that have rose to the top "classes" through hard work, education and sacrifice will have to work harder to support those that pay no income tax.
I truely believe that if everyone has some skin in the game better decisions will be made on the spending of our money.
...taken directly from right wing talking points that make everything into a conspiracy to take things from successful people and give them to lazy poor slobs, especially black and brown people, the most lazy of all.
It's also more fullofshit than Charles Krauthammer, and he's a ten pound sack with fifteen pounds ofshit stuffed in it.
Here we go...
"Everybody should have a fair chance and everybody should do their fair share"
I'll divide it into two parts.
"Everybody should have a fair chance"
This ain't so hard. Everybody in the country, no matter where you live, what color you are, what your current/past/future pay scale is, what your sexual orientation is, what your religion (or lack thereof) is, how long you or your family has been here, whether you are disabled in any way (or not), whatever...whatever you can think of, if you are an American, then you have the same fair chance as anyone else, no matter where they fall in any of those categories, to do whatever you want, to make of your opportunities as best you can, and the only thing in your way is your skills, ambition, and the extent of your imagination.
That ain't so hard, is it? Sounds kinda like the "American Dream"...something that never really existed in its purest form, and sure as hell doesn't now...and it never really will in an actual pure form, but we can sure as hell get as close to it as possible.
Part two...
"...everybody should do their fair share."
Again, really simple words, and pretty damn straightforward.
Right wingers always read "fair share" as "my share"...which, of course, is a lie, and they know it...but like most right wing and especially right wing religious nuts, they always start out by casting themselves as a victim...
"Everybody" includes...everyone. Everyone who is an American. Everyone who avails themselves to the tremendous opportunities and obligations that being an American includes.
If you want to be part of the best country in the world, then you get both...opportunities and obligations.
"Opportunities" is the "fair chance" in the first half.
"Obligations" is the "fair share" in the second half.
Your first obligation is to defend the "fair chance" of everyone, including yourself...if you don't defend it for others, then don't be a fuckin crybaby when no one else defends it for you when you think your "fair chance" is on the chopping block.
That's where the "I've got mine, so fukk you" crowd needs to got your chance, now make sure others get theirs, too.
That's an obligation you owe not to those ubiquitious "others"'s an obligation you owe to your country. Yeah, you don't get an hourly wage for it, so it's a big ol' onerous deal that amounts to class warfare and redistribution of wealth and it's anti-Christian and socialist and only a Nigerian Muslim would come up with it and you're so screwed and now you have to pay taxes which sucks because you're a "job creator" even though you've done nothing but reduce the "jobs" out there time and time again and pocket the savings and Obama hates white people and success is punished...(this is where you add in all the other right talking points that were fullofshit the day they were first uttered, and are even more fullofshit the more they get repeated by those jackasses).
I don't even need to get into "fair taxation"...or "a rising tide floats all boats" or any of that...
You as an American have a DUTY to make sure that others have the same "fair chance" that you did.
Why? Because unless you were born rich, someone else was making sure you had that fair chance to get that way, too...and they have been since the beginning of this country.
The difference between right wing rhetoric and the real world is that right wingers don't think they have a duty to do anything, except look out for themselves, and either lie and say they've done all they've done and got all they've got ONLY through their own hard work (and know they are lying), or they don't lie, and actually believe it (which means they are least the liars aren't stupid, just jackasses).
Being an American is all about duties and obligations, to my are afforded some of the best things ever, in the world, by the happy occurrence of being born an American, or by seeing that is the best country in the world and becoming an American (and those immigrants have worked a helluva lot more than you have to be Americans...all you had to do was get squeezed out and start filling diapers).
You have a duty to make use of the opportunities you have...if you don't, then don't whine about your lot in life.
You have a duty to make sure those opportunities are there for everyone.
The opportunities don't exist so that those who already got theirs can get more...they exist so those who want to make use of them to improve their lives can...and as soon as they do, they have a duty to make sure others can, too.
The two biggest lies in America, the things that threaten the "American Way" the most are...
1. No one gave me anything...I did it all myself...and...
2. They're just looking for a handout.
Fish on...