Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 27838
Loc: Seattle, Washington USA
With about half the precincts reporting, Romney and Santorum are locked up at 24%, with Paul right behind with 22%...the others are far behind and have no chance of catching up.
The fact that Man on Dog Santorum even has a political life at all, much less as a frontrunner for a major political party, shows just how retarded this country's political system has become.
Mr. Nice Guy Newt Gingrich is in fourth...even Ron Paul is kicking his [Bleeeeep!]...
Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 27838
Loc: Seattle, Washington USA
81% reporting now...Romney stole a bit from he's got 25, Santorum with 24, and Paul with 21...Gingrich sucks, but sucks slightly less than Perry, and Bachmann sucks worse (better?) than both of them.
Huntsman managed a few votes without even trying there.
Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 27838
Loc: Seattle, Washington USA
I think Perry will "reassess" himself right back into backcountry obscurity, which is where he now knows he shoulda stayed.
Fish on...
P.S. Sanitorium is giving a "I win!" speech right now, though he won't likely win...I bet Romney is chewing on a shoe right now he's so mad.
He's gonna win, and no one cares...they care more about Sanitorium's "victory speech" for a race he won't even win, and about Newt's concession speech where he threw his "heft" behind Sanitorium.
Also...Bachmann gave a speech that was almost as incomprehensible as her worst speeches in the past...I still can't figure out what the fukk she was even talking about...I think...think...she still feels that she can win.
Registered: 01/01/03
Posts: 2190
Loc: Post Falls Idaho
Santorum is pretty much toast after Iowa. I wonder if Bauchman will drop out before New Hampshire - although she says she already has her plane tickets purchased, but maybe she can re-book the tickets and go on a nice family vacation there this summer.
I don't see anyone but Romney coming out on top for the nomination. I predict a very tight race between Romney and Obama. However; Paul could be the spoiler for Romney and run on an Independent ticket. Paul is well organized in a lot of states and he has to know that the party will never nominate him nor will anyone ever pick him as a running mate; so what other option does he have, but to run on his own ticket.
Trump could be a spoiler too. The guy likes attention and drama and has the money to put on a mediocre campaign.
Should be an interesting season if you like this kind of thing.
"90% of Life is just showing up and doing the work". Tred Barta Sr.
Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 27838
Loc: Seattle, Washington USA
I think you're right, Mike, and have thought that all along...and if Trump's Ego has to run, it'll take a few Republican right wingnut voters away, and if Paul runs as an Indie, he'll siphon off a few of the left wing wierdos, and a bunch of the right win crazies...either way, they both help Obama if they run, and Millard needs every vote he can get.