We know a few things for sure. We've always known that the original birthers were Democrats. It was a Hillary supporter who filed the first lawsuit demanding that Obama produce his mysterious birth certificate.
What we have learned is that the Obama Hussein Barrack himself was the very first Obama birther.
It turns out that Obama claimed he was Kenya-born before he claimed he was Hawaii-born.
Does anybody really believe for a minute that that 1991 promotional booklet put together by Obama's literary agency was not proof read and then proof read again. Or, that a ditzy libtard editor missed that the booklet stated that the Obama Hussein Barrack was born in Kenya. Not likely. No, not likely at all.
What is byfar more likely is that the Obama Hussein Barrack either wrote or approved his write-up. It's highly unlikely that the narcissitic Obama didn't approve his own biography. Then, like the article said, "no one corrected the record" until Obama's presidential aspirations became apparent.
Regardless of where the Obama Hussein Barrack was whelped, that fuker is one shady cat. There are a lot of records he won't release. What's he hiding?
I wish I had never picked up a steelhead rod.
Obsession sucks.