Well now, with the Unions losing their biased clout, and with states implementing voter-fraud laws, the Dems are going to be fuked. If they don't have the Unions in their back pocket any longer (or at least Unions with big money), can't count dead people, can't count illegals, what does that leave the bed wetters with?
Well let's see. They'll still try to bus the blacks around from polling site to polling site (vote early and vote often), felons, drug dealers, and all other miscreant types will still be in their camp but their voter-base --as pathetic as it is-- will decline.
Overall, the Dems are going to be in for a shock to their status quo. They may have to thin some fruitloops out of their herd to have a chance at survival. Stetch, Leahy, Schumer, a big group of the over-the-top Black caucus members (do I need to name some of the fruitloops in that group) should be sent to the land of retirement ASAP.
Stretch and Steny Hoyer have kept the Blue Dogs slapped down and muzzled, but I predict that those type of Democrats will be the type to emerge if the Donkeys have a chance to stay in the race.
Yes, the face of the Democrat party will need to change.
It is going to be fascinating to watch the evolutionary frantic scramble transpire in the days to come and the wild contortions the party will attempt to stay viable.
I wish I had never picked up a steelhead rod.
Obsession sucks.