Obamacare requires employers to fund insurance for workers. When you retire, you go into medicare.
They paid for medicare and the money has been stolen and put into a program, they are no longer part of. Obamacare cost curve has gone up and up and up according to the CBO.
http://news.yahoo.com/cbo-obamacare-price-tag-shifts-940-billion-1-163500655.htmlIts wont matter after January 20th. Obamacare will be gone.
http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/current_events/healthcare/health_care_lawAll the toss-up states are within the margin of error, but not all states have recent polling. South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Minnesota, oregon, washington
Rasmussen already is putting giving Indiana-blue to romney and NC blue is leaning romney. Even Pennsylvania is not locked up for Obama. Colorado-blue is tied at 47% Ohio is tied at 45 and florida is 46-45 for Romney.
8+% unemployment U3 and U6 is over 16%
Obama has held at least twice as many fund raisers as Bush and is not getting the money. Romney has outraised him several months. Crowds are way down for Obama and crowds are up for Romney.
Undecided voters vote for the challenger.
Obama approval under 50%
Turnout favors republicans
Registered voter polls typically poll 9-12% more democrats. Yet, they are not likely voters which are called closer to November. Rasmussen accuracy of predicting obama would win in 08
52-46 actual 53-46
Oh, if you get married, obama wants a donation. so hurry....