Due to a shoulder injury I won't be able to row so I am putting up my Water Ready 12 foot pontoon (12 foot by 19" pontoons) boat. The pontoon comes with a lean tower, Scotty Anchor system (rear), 25 feet on rope (no anchor), a front cleat for an anchor and a ring to attack the anchor or whatever. The pontoons have a ten year warranty.There are two Sawyer oars, a pump, and a foam rod holder for two rods on the side of the pontoon with another rod holder on the lean tower arm. Also included is a Catacart to move the pontoon, the pontoon weighs about 85 pounds, so it is not heavy but it is bulkly to handle. Unique to this pontoon is a wheel system that I designed and had built, the wheel is set up to go either in the front or the back by just slipping it in the receiver, the pontoon then can be easily wheeled to a launch point. Also included is a truck rack for the pontoon, the rack is comprised of two metal side plates that go on the top of the bed and two wood cross beams to hold the pontoon up off the bed, the pontoon is secured to the rack with four bungee cords. It is on a jet ski trailer with bunks and supports that need to be reinforced. I was doing a test fit and never really got back into putting solid mounts under the bunks. It holds the pontoon stable but not sure how it will be on bumpy roads. Looking for 1100 cash