The Republican ticket appears to be upside down....

My father wasn’t a big hunter, but some of his friends were, and (they) were the ones who took me out and were my mentors,” said Ryan. “I started with rabbits, ducks and pheasant before getting into deer hunting. I worked mowing lawns when I was a kid to save money to buy a shotgun and bought a Browning BPS 20-gauge for pheasants. I still have it.”
Ryan admits his hunting schedule has taken a hit thanks to adult life.
“I hunted more before we had kids, and then after that it dropped off quite a bit. I’ll schedule some morning hunts on weekends when I can and then work in the afternoons if I have to or will be with the family. During the firearms season, I’ll take a little more time to schedule some trips. I’ll hunt with my pistol in the morning from my bow stands, and then rifle hunt in the afternoons with one of our kids. We have some two-man ladder stands, and (the children) really enjoy going with me. I bought our daughter a Winchester Model 70 in .243 for Christmas so she can start hunting with me. Wisconsin lowered the hunting age, and she’s excited. The kids love hunting and being with me in the stand. We have a great time.”
At the end of the interview, Ryan is asked, “Do they ever serve venison at the Capitol?”
“No, they don’t. But at home I prepare my own venison and sausage. I have some big chest freezers in the basement for my pheasants, ducks, deer and other game. My family is used to eating wild game. But they don’t in D.C. That’s foreign to them.”

Ryan also has an A rating from the National Rifle Association. Among other pro-gun legislation, he voted “yes” on the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, which prohibits reckless lawsuits against firearms manufacturers; “yes” on National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity; “yes” on the D.C. Personal Protection Act to grant gun rights to Washington, D.C. residents; and “yes” on the Affordable Reloaded Munitions Supply Act to rescind the ban on sales of used military brass to civilians.
Me thinks he has a tad more hunting & gun handling skills than that embarassment to our sport Dick Cheney.