Well, put me up in the upper left corner, the "leans Democrat" and "high voter turnout" square, and let's see what we get.
Sierra Nevada? Yes, any flavor. Always been one of my favorites.
The generic "any microbrew"? Well, yeah...accounts for most every beer I drink when not out fishing. We live in the PNW, no excuse to not have a few microbrews on your list.
Molson? No...unless it's in Canada. Same goes for Labatt's. The American versions suck, the Canadian versions rock.
MGD? AYFKM? That schit tastes like...schit. Same with Becks, Michelob, and Michelob Light. Especially the Becks.
Stella? It's the only skunky Belgian beer I like, and I'll have it occasionally when it's on tap, and since they got picked up by Miller Distributing, it's everywhere now.
Hard Cider? What is this? Sesame Street? No, with a capital "N-O".
So I guess so far as I go they're about 50/50 accurate.
The rest of the beers?
I drink Busch when I fish, sometimes. Just as likely to be Rainier, which isn't even on the list.
No one around here even knows what Leinenkugel is...but whenever I am in the midwest I can be found having a pint or two of it where it is on tap.
Anything with "Budweiser" or "Coors" in the name is an embarrassment to mankind, and ought not even be called "beer" at all. Pisswater, at best. You have to really hate both yourself and beer to drink that garbage, no matter what your political beliefs are.
Heineken is the perfect example of YuppyShitBeer. Almost as bad as Budweiser or Coors, only it costs twice as much to drink that garbage. People who drink Heineken think they are saying "look how smart and internationally-minded I am", but what they're really saying is "look how much money I can waste on beer that tastes like donkey piss". The ultimate poser beer.
Corona? Go to Mexico, and buy Corona...then you'll be just like someone who drinks Budweiser around here. Similar to Heineken, you may as well drink Budweiser because they both taste like schit and at least Budweiser won't cost you $8 a sixer.
Foster's? OK, I guess. The cans don't fit in the cupholders in my rig.

Sam Adams and Henry's used to be okay, back when they had one or two flavors each and worked hard on them...now they've got a dozen flavors each, and almost all of them suck. Sam Adams is a bit better than Henry's, and that's only because the original Boston Lager is still pretty good.
Drinking any Miller beer...of any type...is another good way to show the world just how much you hate both yourself and beer. Seriously, this crap makes Coors beers taste good.
Keystone doesn't even qualify as beer, so doesn't belong on the list at all. Same with anything that has "ice" in the name.
I haven't had a LoneStar Beer in years...used to have it on tap at Buck's in Bellingham (which later became the BBB, and is now some stupid poser bar where the patrons likely drink Becks or Heineken). There was a time when it was happy hour priced at a quarter for a glass, and a buck for a pitcher. Happy Hour ran from 11am until 8pm, seven days a week. We drank a lot of LoneStar beer in college

The lack of PBR and Rainier on the list shows that whoever made the list has never worked a day in their lives.
I'll hit the Rolling Rock every once in a while, just for a change...the tall boys have made appearances in the boat on occasion.
Fish on...