Love the show finding bigfoot... Cracks me up every time I watch it. Every sound they hear in the woods --- "Must be a squatch"
Those guys are pretty smart, have their own show and are starting to make some coin off of it...
For me personally, not a beleiver.... But I did have one scenario while bow hunting elk back in 2008. I was way deep in the back country and was doing some soft cow calling in an area with some fresh rubs, up around 5000ft elevation... I was in an area with some old 2nd growth timber with good visibility. We had set up on the downside of this hogs back within a quarter mile of where I had killed a nice 5pt opening day which was about 4 days prior. While we processed that bull, there was another circling us bugling and we were back to get him...
What we heard didn't make sense, something I've never heard in the woods in my life... We could hear it walking down the opposite side of that hogs back (sounded bipedal). Whatever it was sounded heavy as it broke some branches and it was making a deep grunting/growling noise, it did it about 4-5 times about every 10-15 seconds and kept coming towards us.. I signaled to my cousin to move up the side of the hogs back while I stayed back calling... He moved to within 20-25 yards of where the noise was and it was gone. It never made a sound leaving the area...
Since we've chalked it up to a bear, imho it couldn't have been anything else... The odd part is growing up we hound hunted bears and harvested many of them. I've never before heard a bear make that noise...
I've heard bucks grunt, bulls glunk, porcupines make a grunting noise and none of them sounded the same...
Sort of left me puzzled... But by no means have I ever chalked it up to a "Squatch"..
It's time to put the red rubber nose away, clown seasons over.