#814331 - 01/11/1305:22 PMSo...what to think of this nut?
Dick Nipples
Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 27838
Loc: Seattle, Washington USA
Here's a guy who owns a gun manufacturing company telling us that if there are any restrictions put on gun ownership...if the laws go "one inch further"...he's going to start shooting people.
This guy is exactly the type of person who should fail every possible psych exam to carry a weapon.
And, apparently in Tennessee being an absolute total fuckin idiot does hurt...at least it hurts his ability to be both insane and armed...which I contend hurts absolutely no one, and may actually help.
Should he be carrying? Who knows? How serious is he? Plenty of "tough guys" who are nothing more than noise. Lying politicians affect how many lives with their lies? Do we hang them? Lying insurance companies have killed how many? Do we burn them at the stake?
Just an idea.....(1)
Polygraph before purchase if armament is purchased from a dealer? Questions would need to be from a form created by someone with an ability to determine the likelihood of the purchaser to initiate a weapon encounter. Simple scoring system, cost to be added to purchase price.
Of course none of the above applies to gun deals outside of the loop.
(2) get guns back from nuts? No way to do it....period. If there are guns available, nuts will have some. If there are no guns available, nuts will build them. Precisely why chasing guns as the problem is ridiculous. Creating a defenseless populace should be criminal in itself.
I'm over my limit in wordiness....something I don't like much....but thought I would try to provide a little something constructive.
Good Luck......now your turn......you asked, now you provide what you think.
Agendas kill truth. If it's a crop, plant it.
Registered: 11/01/06
Posts: 1557
Loc: Silverdale Wa
These idiots will fix nothing. Just some left wing feel good b.s. that will make law abiding gun owners life more difficult.
Lets knee jerk, take away a few more freedoms, put in a few more regulations/fees and do nothing.......just like most things done by our fine elected officials.
Never leave a few fish for a lot of fish son.....you just might not find a lot of fish-----Theo
#814366 - 01/11/1307:09 PMRe: So...what to think of this nut?
[Re: ]
Dick Nipples
Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 27838
Loc: Seattle, Washington USA
Seems that some sort of screening process to stop dimwits like him to purchase guns, or be issued a CWP, should be easy...but who's going to decide what goes in it, what's an automatic "denial" answer, and what "score" do you need to make to get one or both?
Background checks for every gun purchase should be a no-brainer...if you've been hospitalized as a nutcase, or have a bank robbery on your record, those are pretty obvious red flags that perhaps you ought not carry. However, even something as obvious and simple as that will come with a ton of opposition from the gun and ammo industry (aka, the NRA).
Getting guns back from the nuts? I have no idea how to do that.
The only way to make a difference at all beyond the obvious and easy background checks would be very strict "fukk this up and you lose your rights" laws...but setting the line where "this will cost you your rights" and "this will not" will be much harder than just having background checks. Eventually every nut that acts like a nut will lose their gun rights...but the 'act' that costs them could be a pretty heinous act and nothing we've said so far would stop that.
I think that as of now the only thing that can be done, and could be effective, would be making sure that all future sales were only made to people who can pass the background check, and eliminate the exceptions to having a background check, and have the background check include a "nutcase" check, not just a criminal record check.
These issues only are intended to address who does and does not have a gun and/or permit...the questions regarding what types of guns, ammos, and accessories anyone should or should not have are a totally different subject.
Lets also just say that it is a good thing that everything that you and I say to ourselves isn't recorded and put on display on Youtube. Might just be some 'splainin' to do.
"Give me the anger, fish! Give me the anger!"
They call me POODLE SMOLT!
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#814374 - 01/11/1307:39 PMRe: So...what to think of this nut?
[Re: ]
Dick Nipples
Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 27838
Loc: Seattle, Washington USA
See, that's part of the problem, Hank...the correct answer should be "yes", but doing it is really, really difficult.
If we wait for them to go on a rampage, then say "there's a nut who shouldn't have a gun", then we're doing what we already do...and that clearly doesn't work or move us towards anything that would.
This is the world today. There are many people like him and probably many more than that, would he have said any of that if the shooting hadn't occured? This is today, not yesterday, not last year or a hundred years ago.
Why build in the flood plain?
#814514 - 01/12/1301:45 AMRe: So...what to think of this nut?
[Re: Salman]
Poodle Smolt
Registered: 05/03/01
Posts: 10878
Loc: McCleary, WA
So where are the charges against David Gregory for possessing an "assault magazine" on TV on Meet the Press in Washington DC, where some of the nations toughest gun laws are in place?
Someone actually commits a crime and walks, while another person speaks on a subject and and suffers actual repercussions?
Media bias? Selective prosecution? Move along. Figments of our imagination folks. Don't look behind the curtain, as the puppeteers may get angry.
"Give me the anger, fish! Give me the anger!"
They call me POODLE SMOLT!
The Discover Pass is brought to you by your friends at the CCA.
...if you've been hospitalized as a nutcase, or have a bank robbery on your record, those are pretty obvious red flags that perhaps you ought not carry. However, even something as obvious and simple as that will come with a ton of opposition from the gun and ammo industry (aka, the NRA).
People convicted of a crime involving violence and those adjudicated as incompetent are already prohibited from possessing firearms according to federal law. The standard background check should and quite often does catch those things. Some of the other prohibited persons are harder to catch like those who use or are addicted to controlled substances, fugitives from justice, etc. As is continually illustrated though, crooks are good at getting guns regardless of the law.
We are never going to get all of the nuts in a screening process, but I am all for more stringent filters. They are an inconvenience for honest and responsible folks, but they will save lives. After the initial screening, you should be good to go until you do or say something stupid, like our boy in the video there. Once you have demonstrated your lack of worthiness or responsibility, privileges should be lost. Who gets to define stupid and what the revocation of privileges and reclamation of firearms involves seems like pretty tricky if not constitutionally invasive territory.
I am not necessarily against required registration and would even support some sort of competency/proficiency test prior to granting ownership. Again folks with good intentions really don't have much to fear other than more paperwork and time, neither of which is really a big deal in the end if you are buying a gun for the "right" reasons.
#814527 - 01/12/1303:26 AMRe: So...what to think of this nut?
[Re: ColeyG]
Sky-Guy The Tide changed
Registered: 08/31/00
Posts: 7083
Loc: Everett
Couldn't have said it better myself Coley....you nailed it. You touched on the nucleus of the problem within gun control debates. When it comes down to determining sensible solutions and drawing up the rules, where do you draw the lines between those who are allowed to possess versus those who are not allowed to possess, and how do you justify those decisions.
Unfortunately we live in a society where every decision made in good faith to protect someone or something ends up being litigated to death.
You know something bad is going to happen when you hear..."Hey, hold my beer and watch this"
And of course who is to say that at some point one becomes incompetent? One too many tours in combat or too many years in the police force changes people. Divorce can change people. Medical issues can change people. Drug use (both legal and illegal) can change people. Loss of a loved one can change people. Oooo Laa Laa......lots of tangles. Lots of people in prison wanting revenge too.....All from the far right, of course.
Where's that hand-wringing emoticon?
Agendas kill truth. If it's a crop, plant it.
We won't agree on alot of things.. But dumbfuks will be dumbfuks, no matter of party or leaning. More laws won't fix dumbfukery, and most batshit crazy dumbfuks don't post threats on the interweb.. Except that gungrabbinging [Bleeeeep!] feinstein.
Facts don't care about your feelings..
We won't agree on alot of things.. But dumbfuks will be dumbfuks, no matter of party or leaning. More laws won't fix dumbfukery, and most batshit crazy dumbfuks don't post threats on the interweb.. Except that gungrabbinging [Bleeeeep!] feinstein.
So no guns should be grabbed? How about a M79 grenade launcher? Or a LAWS rocket launcher? Should 105 Howitzer be legal? There's a line already drawn, why are assault rifles OK, but other weapons off limits? What if we modified a chain gun to hunt varmints, would it be then OK to legalize that weapon for civilian use?
So no guns should be grabbed? How about a M79 grenade launcher? Or a LAWS rocket launcher? Should 105 Howitzer be legal?
Pretty sure that folks aren't allowed to own those already, but I'll need to check on that.
So why is it some weapons are illegal to own, yet others are OK? Yet when the idea of putting assault weapons on the illegal side of the line invokes such a backlash. Why not be outraged we can't own a M1A2 Abraham's tank?
We won't agree on alot of things.. But dumbfuks will be dumbfuks, no matter of party or leaning. More laws won't fix dumbfukery, and most batshit crazy dumbfuks don't post threats on the interweb.. Except that gungrabbinging [Bleeeeep!] feinstein.
So no guns should be grabbed? How about a M79 grenade launcher? Or a LAWS rocket launcher? Should 105 Howitzer be legal? There's a line already drawn, why are assault rifles OK, but other weapons off limits? What if we modified a chain gun to hunt varmints, would it be then OK to legalize that weapon for civilian use?
Civilians can own most of those weapons with the proper permits. You are also talking about the extreme of both costs and damage.. AR's are very common as are many of the other weapons..
The weapons you are talking about are the equivelent to a 6 second drag car where as the AR's and high cap mags are corvettes, sports cars, and lifted trucks. (by that I mean much more common, but not as utilatarian as your prius)
Facts don't care about your feelings..
Registered: 07/21/08
Posts: 824
Loc: Monroe, WA
Exactly, with the proper permits you can own rocket launchers...That's extremely different than a Semi Auto Rifle though...Rocket launchers serve one purpose. Blowing up Armor or hard Structures... AR-15's are used for all sorts of things however. Target shooting, 3 gun, steel silhouette matches, firearms classes, etc. There also used for Personal defense and Hunting. Yes, Hunting. I'm tired of hearing all these know it all Libtards saying no one hunts with a "Assault Rifle". Well, the idiots that say that obviously don't know what the fck there talking about. I know tons of people including myself that hunt with a AR-15. Its not often since i archery hunt. However, when i rifle hunt i usually use my Custom AR with a Match Grade 24 inch SS barrel chambered in .308. Sure the "Hunting" AR's look different, they arent all tacticooled out, they are still AR-15s. Hell, I have a buddy who has taken a few animals with his Dragunuv SVD and SKS. An AR-15 chambered in .223/5.56 is great for small game up to Coyotes/Hogs. 6.5 Grendel and 6.8 SPC for Deer sized game and .308, .450 Bushmaster and .458 Socom for Elk/Bear/etc... My Uncle has been hunting exclusively the last few years with a Custom AR chambered in .308 and has taken everything from Coyote to Bear with it. AR's specifically are dam accurate with match grade barrels. I know that the groups fired from my .308 AR is almost as good as the ones fired from my bolt action .300 WM. The AR was cheaper to build aswell, which for allot of guys is the reason they go with the Semi Auto platform instead of a custom or super nice bolt gun... Plus a Semi Auto AR chambered in .308 would be the first rifle id grab if SHTF. Alot of people share that same thought... There accurate, ammo is extremely common for USA, NATO and its Allies and it packs a hell of a punch against humans/Animals. Regardless, the 2nd Amendment has nothing to do with hunting... It's about the right of the people to protect themselves from a Tyranical Government whether Foreign or Domestic. You should know that Illahee or "ChoadiusMaximus". You Swore on Oath to protect the Constitution of the United States. "Thanks for your service". However, that doesn't mean I'm not going to call you out for being a idiot though. The Government has true "Assault rifles". Civilians do NOT; Especially in WA State. Assault Rifles like the Military's M4 Carbine are Selective fire usually with a 14.5 in barrel. There Full auto, Tri Burst and Semi Automatic. Most of us Civilians are limited to 16 inch or longer Semi Auto platforms unless you live in a state that allows Full Auto/SBR's. IF you are fortunate enough to live in one of those states, be prepared to pay an arm and a leg and be harassed with tons of paperwork/permits. The Media calls any black "scary" Semi Auto Rifle a "Assault Rifle". There extremely misinformed aswell as millions of other dipchits that believe there Liberal gun hating propaganda.
There should be reasonable regulations. Tougher background checks, keeping firearms out of the hands of the mentally ill, getting rid of Gun Free Zones, putting cops or giving "trained" teachers the ability to protect themselves/kids and adopting a National Carry Permit. Banning Semi Auto Rifles is not the answer though...The 94 ban did little to nothing and rifles are used in very little crime. Just because a few batchit crazy people decide to go nuts and shoot up a school with one, that doesn't mean we should ban them from law abiding, honest citizens. There are tens of millions of Americans with AR's/AK's/Mini 14s, etc that shot NO one. We need mental health reform. Not some stupid ass AWB that does nothing! Criminals will still have them and the insane will just get one off the streets or use a pistol or semi auto shotgun.
Also, "high capacity magazines". If a politician/news anchor actually shot or knew anything, they'd know you can change mags in under 2 seconds no problem and you can carry a huge amount of 10 rounders on your person, and even more stuffed into a burlap sack, etc. If i am ever in a self defense situation, I want the most rounds available that i can get! Especially if there are multiple threats... In all of the firearm classes I've taken, I/nor ANYONE has ever said "Man i wish i had LESS rounds". More rounds is always better!
#814956 - 01/13/1311:16 PMRe: So...what to think of this nut?
[Re: ]
Dick Nipples
Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 27838
Loc: Seattle, Washington USA
Why is it that there is a large contingent of those who think these two things:
1. We must spend more money on making sure our government has all the best guns in the world than the next 18 countries in the world combined, and...
2. We must all carry AR-15's because our tyrannical government is likely to turn its guns on us 'Mericans any day now.
Yes, this is a serious question...because there are a shitton of fuckin fools who actually think both of those things at the same time, probably including the jackknob in the videos.
#814960 - 01/13/1311:30 PMRe: So...what to think of this nut?
[Re: Todd]
Jason Beezuz
My Waders are Moist
Registered: 11/20/08
Posts: 3419
Loc: PNW
My uncle was in Vietnam as an army ranger for 6 years and trained troops for another 10 or so after that. He has killed a lot of people and has PTSD in a bad way. He is heavily medaled and was shot 6 times. 3 times while dragging his brothers through the mud to safety.
I bring him up because I consider his opinion on gun matters well informed.
He thinks guys like this clown are morons. He thinks all these guys have no idea what the actual experience of killing and war is like. He understands we live in a society that sensationalizes such affairs. He knows better.
He laughs because most of the gun ho vets he meets were the ones who never fired a shot or killed someone during their service. Even guys right there in the thick who were suppliers just don't get it.
He laughs at war movies and film violence because he knows what it is really like. He thinks the NRA and those devout gun nuts are idiots.
Talk to the people who were "first in, last out" and you will hear a very sobering perspective. These are men that fought wars to end wars, not the other way around, and they are paying for it with a life of quietly hidden suffering and turmoil. They never brag and boast and they keep quiet because nobody wants to hear their perspective as it goes against the grain of war machine USA.
Maybe he's born with it.