Just got this reply from WDFW in response to a question I sent them back in September about the Skagit closure...

Bruce Gray,
I'm responding to your e-mail of 9/13/99 that asked the question of how we could have commercial fishing for Skagit pinks and not allow a recreational opening.
The commercial net fishing you refered to was what we call a run size update fishery. In the preseason, we entered into an agreement with the tribes that initially allowed for several tribal and non-Indian gillnet openings in Skagit bay and river. The catchs from each boat in these openings would constitute the basis for the assessment of the run size. These landings indicated that the run strength was at or about our spawner escapement goal of 330,000 fish. Therefore the decision was made to allow no more harvest by any group. Unfortunately, by the time the decision was made, approximately 30,000 pinks had been caught by the tribal fishery.
As of this week we have confirmed that we will just meet our escapement goal. I realize this was a very frustrating time for sport fishermen. I can assure you that I will do everything possible in the future to provide equal opportunity for Skagit sportfishermen.

Pete Castle
castlptc@dfw.wa.gov Skagit District Biologist
Wash. Dept. Fish & Wildlife